
发布 2021-04-17 09:06:28 阅读 1757

unit1 topic 3 how old are you?(七年级上),


the main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和 2a。

.teaching aims and demands (教学目标)

1. (1)learn some numeral words:

eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty

2)learn other new words and phrases:

year, old, year(s) old, how old …?class, in, grade, age, that

2. master the following special questions:

1)—how old are you?

i’m twelve.

2)—what class are you in?

i’m in class four, grade seven.

3)—what grade are you in?

i’m in grade seven.

3. talk about someone’s age, class and grade.

. teaching aids (教具)


. five-finger teaching plan (五指教学方案)

step 1 review 第一步复习(时间:7分钟)


1. (做游戏,复习数词0-10。)



t: let’s play a game.


s1: zero

s2: one

s3: two

s4: (站起之后迅速坐下)

s5: four

s6: five

s7: (站起之后迅速坐下)

s8: …2. (教师请一名学生到讲台前配合示范,复习上节课的重点内容,导入新课。)

t: what’s your name?

s9: my name is s9.

t: where are you from?

s9: i’m from yangzhou.

t: what’s your telephone number?

s9: my telephone number is (0517)783-1234.

t: now we want to know more personal information about our classmates, such as age, class, grade, how should we ask?

s9: how old are you?

s10: what class are you in?

s11: what grade are you in?



t: how old are you?

s12: 13.(汉语)

t: you can answer like this: i’m 13/ thirteen years old.(教师教学数词十三。)

s12: i’m thirteen.

t: what class are you in?

s13: 11班/i’m in class eleven.(教师帮助学生回答,教学数词十一。)

t: what grade are you in?

s14: i’m in grade 7.


t: good. first let’s learn how to count the numbers from 11 to 20.


step 2 presentation 第二步呈现(时间:13分钟)


1. (教师出示11-20的数字卡片,正面是英语单词,反面是阿拉伯数字。依次示范每个数词的读音。然后**2a录音,让学生跟着录音模仿数词11到20的读音,完成2a。)


2. (让学生翻开书,朗读数词11-20,并找出这些数词的拼写规律。特殊记忆这五个数词。通过相似联想,巩固数词13-19的记忆。)

t: now turn to page 17. read 2a by yourselves and find out the rules of spelling.

3. (做数字加减游戏,练习数词0-20。)

t: now let’s play a number game.


t: take a number.

s1: two.

t: and ten.

s2: twelve.

t: plus eight. (可用手势帮助学生理解。)

s3: twenty.

t: minus fifteen. (可用手势帮助学生理解。)

s4: five.


4. (将数词与句型结合起来,创设情景,链式操练本课新句型,巩固新知识。)

1)t: li lei is 13 years old. how old are you?

s5: i am 14 years old. how old are you?

s6: i am 14 years old, too. how old are you?

s7: i’m 13 years old. …

2)t: li lei is in class 5. what class are you in?

s8: i am in class 6, grade 7. what class are you in?

s9: i am in class 7, grade 7. what class are you in?

s10: …


5. (1)(教师出示1a挂图,展示li ming和jane两人正在对话的情景,听1a录音,回答问题。)

t: look at the picture. do you want to know what class li ming and jane are in?

let’s listen to the tape and answer the questions.



t: listen to the tape and repeat.


t: excuse me, what’s your name?

s11: my name is ..

t: how old are you?

s11: i’m twelve.

t: what class are you in?

s11: i’m in class four, grade seven.

t: are you in class four, too?(教师转身问另一名学生。)

s12: no, i’m not. i’m in class five.

4) (学生两人一组操练。完成1a。)

t: practice the dialog in pairs.

step 3 consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:8分钟)


1. (让学生自读1a,完成1b。)

t: now read 1a by yourselves, then work in pairs and help li ming complete jane’s name card. finish1b.

2. (**2b录音,完成2b的听力训练。)

t: listen to 2b and match.


3. (根据2b的连线,两人一组操练how old …?what class … in? what grade … in?这三个句型,同时巩固练习数词11-20。)

t: please practice the sentence patterns: how old … what class/grade … in?

according to 3 in pairs.

step 4 practice 第四步练习(时间:10分钟)



1. s2: hi, s3! what grade are you in?

s3: i’m in grade seven. are you in grade seven, too?

s2: no, i’m not. i’m in grade eight.

2. s4: hello, s5! what class are you in?

s5: i’m in class 4, grade 7. are you in class 4, too?

s4: no, i’m not. i’m in class 7.


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