
发布 2021-04-04 11:09:28 阅读 7397


初三英语。第i卷 (选择题共70分)

听力部分 (共18分)




二、听长对话和或独白,根据对话和独白的内容,从下列各题所给的a、b、c三个选项中选择最佳选项。 (每段对话读两遍) (每小题1.5分,共12分)


) 7.where are the man and the woman talking?

a.in a library. b. at a bus stop. c. at the railway station.

) 8.when did the first train le**e?

a.at 9:55. b.at 10:30. c.at 9:50.


)9. how are they going there?

a. by bus. b. by bikec. by train.

)10. how many times has the woman been to the mountains?

a. none. b. twoc. three.

)11. what are the two speakers talking about?

a. a party. .their families. c. a weekend plan.

请听第9段材料,回答第 小题。

)12 the writer’s eyesight has got worse,because___

a. he has read too many books.

b. he has watched too much computer and tv.

c. he has got an eye disease.

)13.how does the writer usually watch tv.

a. he sits far enough from the tv set.

b. he watches tv only when he is doing his homework.

c. he usually sits one meter away from the tv.

)14.why doesn’t the writer like wearing glasses?

a. because he thinks only a hen wears glasses.

b. because he thinks glasses will change his life.

c. because glasses will change his appearance(外貌).


语言知识运用部分 (共30分)



)15. 1.-are there any __on the hill?

-yes, there are some.

a. house b. sheep c. animal d. horse

)16. there are __days in june and __day is children’s day.

a. thirteen, firstb. thirty; the second

c. thirty; the firstd. thirteen; the first

)17. -would you please turn down the tv? it’s too noisy.

a. certainlyb. thanks

c. you’re welcomed. here you are

)18. —oh! i came here in a hurry and forgot to bring any food.

don’t can h**e___

)19. there iswater here;but there are quite __empty glasses.

fewb.few ;little

c.few ;a few d.little;a little

)20. monday is myday.

a.the busiest b.busy c.busier d.busiest

)21.—now i must goi shall be late for the train.

h**e a good trip. goodbye.

a. orb. soc. and d. but

)22. we must make the earth a happy home___both human beings and animals.

a. for b. withc. byd. at

)23. look, they___a good time.

a. has b. h**e c. are h**ing d. had

)24. the students will go to the great wall if it tomorrow.

a. isn’t rain b. doesn’t rain c. don’t rain d. rain

) in beijing since 1956.

a. will live b. live c. h**e lived d. lived

)26..-how long h**e you __the motorbike?

---for about two weeks.

a. bought b. had c. borrowed d. lent

)27h**e your parents been abroad?

only once.

a. how long b. how far c. how many times d. how often

)28. -listen! helen is singing in the next room.

---it be helen. she has gone to beijing.

a.can’t b.mustn’t c.may d.should

)29. you should finish your lessons __you go out to play.

a. before b. after c. when d. while

)30. i __a volunteer for the 29th olympics, so i want you __me with my my english.

a. chose , helpb. am chosen , to help

c. was chosen, helped d. choose, helping

)31. i don’t know when

a. will the train le**e b. the train will le**e

c. would the train le**e d. the train le**e

)32. here’s my little cat. please __it while i’m away.

a. looked after b. look up c. look for d. look at

四、完形填空 (共12分,每小题1分)


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