2019 初三英语二模

发布 2021-04-04 12:11:28 阅读 9426



1. 本试卷共12页,满分150分,考试时间为120分钟。

2. 答1-70 小题时,请将代表正确答案的字母标号填在试卷第8页的答题纸相应的空格里。每小题只有一个正确答案。





)6. a. i’m doing my homework.

b. i’m going to the library. c.

very well, thanks.

)7. a. don’t do that. b. it’s very nice of you.

c. take it easy. you will be ok.

)8. a. my english is poor. b. yes, of course. c. no, she can’t.

)9. a. i think so. b. help yourself. c. it’s very nice of you.

)10. a. excuse meb. he should be careful. c. i’m sorry to hear that.

第三节。 请听对话,选出最佳选项。(共10分,每小题1分)


)11. what will the man do next?

a. go for a field trip. b. stay at home. c. watch tv.


)12. how much is the new coat?

a. 2 000 yuanb. 3 000 yuanc. 4 000 yuan.


)13. where will darren go for his vacation?

a. chinab. america. c. japan.


)14. what size does the woman’s daughter wear?

a. size 25b. size 26c. size 27.


)15. does lucy like wearing school uniforms?

a. yes, very muchb. no, not at all. c. yes, a little.

请听第六段对话, 完成第小题。

) 16. when was deng yaping born?

a. on june 2nd, 1983. b. on june 3rd, 1973. c. on june 2nd, 1973.

) 17. deng yaping entered tsinghua university and studied english and management .

a. in 1997b. in 1983c. in 1988


) 18. how long will they be away from america?

a. three daysb. five daysc. ten days.

) 19. why is bob so glad?

a. he will be free during the holiday.

b. he will tr**el to china with his father.

c. he will h**e an important meeting in shanghai.

) 20. where will they reach in the end?

a. shanghaib. guangzhou. c. beijing.


) 21. what did mrs. brown want to buy?

a. a coatb. a pair of jeansc. a sweater.

) 22. why didn’t mrs. brown buy it at once?

a. she didn’t like the color.

b. she was busy.

c. she didn’t h**e enough money.

) 23. why didn’t her husband want her to buy it?

a. it was too expensive.

b. she had so many sweaters.

c. it was not good enough.

) 24. when did her husband agree to buy it?

a. the next dayb. the third dayc. after a week.

) 25. who bought the sweater at last?

a. mrs. brownb. mr. brownc. nobody.

第五节。 请听短文,写出短文中所缺的单词(每空一词)。(共5分,每小题1分)

water is very important for living things. (26) water, there can be no life on the earth. all plants and (27) need water.

man also needs water. we need water to drink, to cook food and to clean ourselves. water is needed in factories, offices, schools and (28) .

water is found in seas, rivers and (29) .it can be found everywhere in the world, and it can also be found in the air. we can’t see or feel water when it is part of air.

sometimes clouds are also made of water. they’re little drops of water. when the temperature is below (30) ,water will become ice.

so ice is also water.



)31.—this is music i’ve told you about. isn’t it beautiful?

yes, it’s great. i’ve never heard such beautiful music before.

a. the, ab. ac. thed. /an

) the __teachers enjoyed themselves on march 8th, because it was their own holiday.

a. manb. men c. woman d. women

)33.—do you like the pop star zhou jielun or the movie star liu dehua?

i am not their fan.

a. bothb. eitherc. neither d. all

)34. the cars made in china are much cheaper than made in japan.

a. onesb. thosec. thatd. it

)35. of the two t-shirt, i will choose __one to s**e some money for a book.

a. the cheaper b. cheaper c. cheap d. the cheapest

)36.—what did the teacher say just now?

sorry. i didn’t catch it, isomething else.

a. thinkb. will think

c. was thinkingd. had thought.

)37.—paul invited us to take part in a party tomorrow evening .


大兴区2007 2008学年度第二学期第二次模拟考试 初三英语。第i卷 选择题共70分 听力部分 共18分 一 听对话,选择与对话内容相符的 将代表 的字母填在相应的序号后。每段对话读两遍。每小题1分,共6分 听第一组对话,完成第1 3小题。abcd 听第二组对话,完成第4 6小题。abcd 二 听...

初三英语二模 1

初三英语补考试题。班级姓名。单项填空 共15小题 每小题2分,满分30分 从a b c三个选项中选出最佳选项。1.以下选项中不属于连读的一项是 a.half an hour b.pick it up c.at that time 2.there isr andu in the word rule a...


本次初三二模测试题共160分。正卷选择题共100分,加试卷非选择题共60分。试卷难度比一模稍微难些。主要检测学生经过第一轮的复习之后知识的掌握情况。结果我校学生正卷90分以上在四个网班仍然较多,普通班较少,约占22 加试卷50分以上的也不少,约占26 一 听力部分 满分30分。材料中有关于天气,看医...