
发布 2021-03-11 08:29:28 阅读 9488

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text a why are maps drawn with north at the top?


1.feature n. 特征,特色;面貌,相貌 vi. 是…的特色,以…为特色 vi. 重要作用;作为主要角色b5e2rgbcap

1)the most important feature of our work is parentalinvolvement.《我们工作的最重要特色是父母参与。)p1eanqfdpw

2)the island's chief feature is itsbeauty.《这个岛的主要特色是风景秀丽。)dxdita9e3d

3)he is very familiar with the geographical featuresof this district. 《他对这一地区的地理特征很熟悉。)rtcrpudgit

4)the boy was slightly taller than his father, withfine features.《那个男孩比他父亲稍高,长得眉清目秀。)5pczvd7hxa

5)round-the-clock service features thisstore.《日夜服务是这家商店的特色。)jlbhrnailg

6)the new type of car features high speed, small sizeand low


7)sea food features largely in the diet of thesepeople.《海产在这些人的食物中占重要地位。)ldaytrykfe

8)he is featuring in a new movie.《他正在一部新片中担任主角。)

2.rough adj. 粗糙的;粗暴的;大致的 roughlyadv.粗糙地;大体上,大约。

1)they journeyed for days over rough roads.《他们在崎岖的道路上旅行了数日。)zzz6zb2ltk

2)his rough manners annoyedeverybody.《他粗鲁无礼的态度恼了每一个人。)dvzfvkwmi1

3)they lived a rough life in the mountainvillage.《他们在山村里过着简陋的生活。)rqyn14znxi

4)they had a rough crossing of the englishchannel.《他们在狂风大浪中越过英吉利海峡。)emxvxotoco

5)we should help them out of the roughsituation.《我们应该帮助他们走出困境。)sixe2yxpq5

6)the young man closed the doorroughly.《那个年轻人粗暴地把门关上了。)6ewmyirqfl

7)roughly speaking, this year's profit increased by 15percent.《粗略地说,今年的利润增加了15%。)k**u42vrus

3.sketch n. 草图;梗概;素描 v. 绘<…的)略图;简述。

1)he drew a rough sketch showing the position of theentrance.《他粗略地画了张草图,说明入口处的位置。)y6v3alos89

2)they only g**e us a sketch of the wholeevent.《他们只向我们简略地介绍了整个事件。)m2ub6vstnp

3)the first part is a brief sketch of the school'searly history.《第一部分是该校早期历史的概述。)0yujcfmucw

4)he sketched a boy's head on thesketchpad.《他在速写簿上画出了男孩头像素描。)euts8zqvrd

5)mr. smith sketched excuses to his guest and left theroom


4.localize v. 使局部化;使具地方性;集中。

1)it is unlikely to localize thisdisease.《把这种疾病控制在局部地区是不可能的。)gmsiasnxka

2)they failed to localize the effect of thedisturbance.《他们没能使动乱的影响局部化。)tirrgchyzg

3)anger localized on the newpolicy.《民愤集中在这项新政策上。)



5.footing n. 立足处;稳固的地位,基础。

1)it is difficult to get a footing on the steeproof.《要在那很陡的屋顶上找到立脚处很困难。)lzq7igf02e

2)he lost his footing and fell into theditch.《他一失足摔进了沟里。)zvpge**1hk

3)the water was so deep that she couldn't gain herfooting.《河水太深,她立不住足。)nrpojac3v1

4)they are on a friendly footing with theirneighbors.《他们同邻居们和睦相处。)1nowftg4ki

5)in today's china, women and men are on equalfooting.《在今天的中国,男女平等。)fjnflda5zo

6.forefront n. 最前线,最主要的位置。

1)the company was brought to the forefront of publicattention.《那家公司成为公众注意的重点。)tfnnhne6e5

2)he brought the country to the forefront of worldpolitics.《他把那个国家推向了世界政治的最前沿。)hbmvn777sl



7.attempt v. 企图、试图 n. 企图、试图。

1)i didn't attempt the last question in theexam.《我没有试图去做试卷的最后一题。)83lcpa59w9

2)he attempted to keep his parents in the dark aboutwhat had


3)george had succeeded on his fourthattempt.《乔治要游过湖有困难,但他在第四次尝试时终获成功。)**ktr43bpw

4)he made no attempt to solve theproblem.《他没有试**决问题。)orjbnowced

8.flatten v. 把……弄平;变平。

1)he flattened the ***** cups.《他把纸杯压平了。)

2)the hurricane flattened the forest.《飓风夷平了森林。)


英语课堂笔记 三年级下 unit 1 our f ourite subjects a最喜欢的。subjects 学科 sport体育运动。am 我是。kate s kate is good at擅长 be动词有三个,am,is,are,表示 是 的意思,am只跟i,is跟单数,are跟you和复数。...


not 不 no 不。are you 你是某某某吗?回答疑问句,首先应该说什么?yes no,yes,i am.yes,i am xurui.no,i am not.i am not xurui.not 不 认识 不认识。good bye 口语 bye see you tomorrow 再见。she...


时光荏苒,不知不觉已经在金川镇坦平小学工作了两个年头,这两年的特岗生活让我收获颇多。通过两年的教学我知道了,过快的课堂节奏,会使学生的思维跟不上老师的讲课,容易使学生感到疲劳,导致 消化不良 尤其是在英语教学中学生的知识水平,比起数学 语文等从入学就接触的科目来就参差不齐,然而类似于rup的课堂节奏...