
发布 2021-03-11 08:31:28 阅读 5754


教师出示一个单词锭,如theredoorunder,要求学生在一定时间内将单词链拆成最多的单词。如: the,he,her,here,there,red,door,or,run,under.





thank sb. for sth.为某事感谢某人。

ask sb. about sth. 就某事询问某人。

come out (花)开;发(芽);出来;出现。

rain he**ily 下大雨。

a busy season 繁忙的季节。

harvest time 收获季节。

help sb. with sth. 在某事上帮助某人。

work on the farm 在农场工作。

make a snowman 做雪人。

all the year around 一年四季。

at this time of the year 一年中的这个时候。

in much of china在中国的这个时候。

last from...to...从……延续到……

go on to...延续到……

warm clothes 暖和的衣服。

the best time 最好的时节。



1.词汇。1) spring, summer, autumn, winter

2) january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december

2. 句型和短语。

1) it is...in winter/summer. .

2) it is/lasts from . to .

3) go on to...

4) come after

5) it/the weather is ..isn't it?

6) at a bad time of year

7) at this time/that time of year

8) be different from

9) what's the weather like...


分析in, on 和at 的用法。

表示年、月、季节、星期等用in: in a year / season / month / week / the morning / the afternoon / the evening /

they h**e four classes in the morning, and they h**e no classes in the afternoon.

表示日、日期、某一天的早晨、下午等用on: on a day / date, on sunday / saturday on wednesday morning, on the evening of march 7th, 2002

it rained he**ily on the evening of june 20th.

表示几点、某个时刻用at:at eight / two / half past one / at this time yesterday / at this time of year / at that time / at present

he was watching tv at this time yesterday.

零介词:this year, last time, next month, the next day,all the year round, all the day, the whole day等。

their family are going to fly to london next month.

at 还有一些特殊的用法,如:at work, at table,at hand, at once, at last, at home, at the same time

at once 立刻。

his father telephoned him to return home at once.

at hand 不远,快到。

autumn is nearly over. winter is at hand.

at most 最多。

he looks very old, but in fact he is forty at most.



书写日期时,可用阿拉伯数字表示,也可用序数词的缩略式(1stndth )表示,但是年份只能用阿拉伯数字。如2024年3月2日可表达为2 (nd) march, 1999(读作the second of march, nineteen ninety-nine)或march 2(nd), 1999(读作march the second, nineteen ninety-nine)。


a. what’s the date (today)?

b. what was the date yesterday (last monday…)?

其回答方式是:it’s (it was) …


a. what day is today (tomorrow)?

b. what day is it today (tomorrow)?

c. what day of the week is it today?

1. we say “autumn” in britain, and say “fall” in american english.

2. when we say four seasons, we should use preposition “in”——in spring, in summer, in autumn/fall, in winter.

3. preposition “on”

on monday, on tuesday, on wednesday, on thursday, on friday, on saturday, on sunday

4. preposition “at”

at 6 o clock, at 120 clock, at this time of year.

5. preposition “in”

in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening

二月 spring festival 日期星期。

三月八日 women’s day 日期星期。

五月一日 labour day 日期星期。

六月一日 children’s day 日期星期。

七月一日 birthday of the party 日期星期。


九月十日 teachers’ day 日期星期。

十二月二十五日 christmas day 日期星期。

17. is everything going on well?一切还好吗?

18. long time no see.好久不见了。

19. well ! this is a surprise! how h**e you been?嗯!真是个惊喜!近来可好吗?

20. how’s everything?一切都好吗?

21. how’s your family?你家人都好吗?

hi,mark. how are you doing?嗨,马克。你好吗?

fine. and you?不错。你呢?

hello,jane. how are you?哈罗,珍。你好吗?

pretty good. thanks. and you?很不错,谢谢。你呢?

2. it’s windy in spring. it’s warm in autumn.

it’s hot in summer. it’s cold in winter.

3. people like to h**e a picnic in spring.

they like to swim in summer.

they like to go outing in autumn.

they like to go skiing in winter.

a: which season do you like best, spring, summer, autumn or winter?

b: that’s an easy question. i think i like spring best.


1 弹钢琴绝对经典的课堂游戏,找几个同学拿着单词卡,教师说哪个单词,哪个拿着那个单词的学生就蹦一下,并且读一下那个单词,既让孩子读了又练了反映能力,经久不衰的课堂游戏。2 萝卜蹲坑和弹钢琴的玩法一样,不过是由向上蹦改为向下蹲,同样的游戏,变一下玩法就会有不同的效果。3 拍卡片把几个单词写在黑板上,找...


英语课堂游戏 教师用书 lesson2 p4 1.老师自带一个皮球或者气球作为游戏的工具。请学生站成一个圆圈把球先给其中一个学生,拿着皮球的学生问 how are you?然后把皮球扔给圆圈内的任何一个人,不需要事先指定。接到皮球的学生要回答 i m fine.thank you.这样一个个传下去,...


1 弹钢琴绝对经典的课堂游戏,找几个同学拿着单词卡,教师说哪个单词,哪个拿着那个单词的学生就蹦一下,并且读一下那个单词,既让孩子读了又练了反映能力,经久不衰的课堂游戏。2 萝卜蹲坑和弹钢琴的玩法一样,不过是由向上蹦改为向下蹲,同样的游戏,变一下玩法就会有不同的效果。3 拍卡片把几个单词写在黑板上,找...