
发布 2020-12-26 15:40:28 阅读 6377


教案内容:unit 2 what’s your father教学目标:

1、能听懂what’s your…?并能根据实际情况用he’s/she’s…2、能正确使用what’s your…?he’s/she’s a…,语音语调正确。

3、能听懂、会说、初步认读a doctor, a nurse, a worter和a cook发音正确。4、会说歌谣what is she ?教学重点:

目标教学准备:**教学时间:三课时第一课时一、warm up1.

greetingt: good **this is **how are you?

2. listen and do. raise your hand. w**e your hand. put it down.二、presentation

t: now, boys and girls, look, what is this? this is helen’s family photo.

look,what is helen’s father ?引导学生回答he’s a doctor.

ss read one by one

一)teach: nurse, worker, cook

1)老师出示**自问自答:look, guess who is she?s:

mother. (给予学生适当的奖励)t: yes.

this is my mother。

t show the card nurse领读几遍,注意ur的发音。ss read :nurse(一小组传卡片挨个读;一组一组读,)

t: look, this is my brother.出示句型卡片this is my……学生跟读遍。

t: who can follow me ?introduce your brother.

然后引出句型he’s a worker.学生手指着**练说。

2)教师指着自己父亲的**问:this is my father. is he a worker?

s: no.(若学生能说出cook,则给予奖励)t:

he is a cook.出示卡片cook,领读。


/worker,worker, he’s a worker/cook, cook, he’s a cook.三、consolidation

let’chant it.学生一面拍手一面说上面四句话。反复进行操练。第二课时一、warm up

1: greetingt: good nice to meet you. how are you?

2: listen and do. raise your hand. w**e your hand. put it down.二、presentation

1. t: now, please introduce your father.

教师手指黑板上的句型what’s yourfather? he’s a…让学生明白用此句型说。

生手指**练说:what’s your father? he’s a doctor.

2. t: now, look at this picture, is this a doctor?

s: no.

t: yes, this is a nurse. now, please read after me:

nurse, nurse, she’s a read it one by one.

3. t: now, let’s play a game.

ok? please do an action, and you guess this is adoctoror a nurse?

请小朋友上来模仿医生或**的一个动作,但不能说话,其他小朋友猜猜他模仿的是doctor or nurse?4.教师指着黑板说:

t: look, this is me. (做手势,让学生理解me的意思)

ss follow me: this is me.卡片出示,让学生指**说:

this is i am a teacher.手指板书。teacher, teacher, i’m ateacher.

多领读几遍now, please work in pairs, this is my father, he’s a doctor, this is my mother, she’s a nurse. this is me, i’m a teacher.同桌小朋友互相介绍。



8. h**e a rest: sing a song : the finger family带上手指套。



1. t: take it out, put them on your head.

work in groups .ss introuduce,抽几个小组表演。第三课时一、warm up1.

greetingt: good are you,today?

2. listen and do. raise your hand. w**e your hand. put it down.二、presentation

1) t: boys and girls, look, what is this? this is helen’s family photo.

look,what is helen’s father?学生回答he’s a doctor.

2) t: now, look, who’s she? (she’shelen’s mother) what’s her mother? (she’s a teacher)

3) please answer my questions: what’s your father?先指明声音响亮的好同学说,然后一个挨一个说,最后小组练说(4)work in groups三、consolidationlook at csay a rhymewhat is she?

peter, peter, who is she?she’s my sister nice, and neat.

peter, peter, what is she?she’s a student, like you and me.

年二年级英语上册Unit2 7 教案苏教牛津版

2019 2020年二年级英语上册unit2 7 教案苏教牛津版。第一课时。教学目标 1 能听懂 会说 初步认读a doctor,a nurse,a worker和a cook,发音正确。2 能听懂what s he she?能用he s she s a 回答,语音语调正确。3 初步学习歌谣what...

年二年级英语上册Unit2 7 教案苏教牛津版

第一课时 教学目标 1 能听懂 会说 初步认读a doctor,a nurse,a worker和a cook,发音正确。2 能听懂what s he she?能用he s she s a 回答,语音语调正确。3 初步学习歌谣what is she?教学重点难点 1 能听懂 会说 初步认读a doc...


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