快乐英语 辽师大版 第四册全册教案二年级

发布 2020-12-20 13:36:28 阅读 6833

lesson 1





teaching aims:

knowledge aims:

1. enable the ss to use the sentence patterns freely in real life: today we h**e two new students.

/i’m from ….

2. enable ss to understand and speak the characters’ names and the countries: tom, takuya, yuan yuan, joker, england, japan, australia.

3. make sure students can listen, speak, read and write the new sentence patterns: i’m helen.

/i’m in class1.

ability aims:

1. to develop the students’abilities of speaking and listening.

2. to train the students’ ability of working in groups.

emotion aims:

1. to improve their culture feelings about other countries by learning the flags.

2. to develop the students’interest in english.

important points and difficult points:

1. make sure ss can not only use the sentence pattern “i’m helen./i’m in class1.

”freely, but also write them correctly.

2. to train ss express the countries correctly by using the pattern “ i’m from ….

make ss understand the differences between student and students.

teaching aids:

ppt photos recorder tape flags

teaching methods:

1. student-centered teaching

2. task-based learning

3. communication through learning

teaching procedure

step1. lead in

1. make greetings.

t: hello, children. how about your holiday? do you h**e a good time?


t: do you miss me?


t: really?(夸张语气)

ss: yes!(声音十分响亮)

t: me too. nice to see you again, group1!

g1: nice to see you, too.

t: how are you, group 2?

g2: i’m fine, thank you.

t: glad to see you, group 3!

g3: glad to see you, too.

t: good morning, group 4!

ss: good morning, miss li.

2. sing a song: letter song

t: would you like to sing a song with me?

ss: yes.

t: thank you . ok. letter song.

3. free talk.

t: today is our first class. so we’ll learn lesson…

ss: one.

t: great. lesson one.(板书)

step 2. presentation, drills and consolidation

1. listen, read and write

t: do you remember the old friends about 《fun with english》? now let’s visit them.

who is she?

ss: linda.

t: good memory. who is she?

ss: yuan yuan.

t: that’s right. now look at me.

(老师带上头饰扮演yuan yuan) i’m yuan yuan. i’m in class 3. i’m from china.

can you translate them into chinese?

s1: “我是圆圆,我是三班的,我来自于中国。”

t:wonderful. give your group 1 mark.

we’ve learnt the patterns before. but we don’t know how to write. today let me introduce how to write the sentences.

1. 开头字母要大写,第一人称单数“i”永远大写。

2. 句末要有标点。英语中句号为“.”即实心点,而汉语则是“。”空心点。

3. 像class 这样的单词,当后面有具体数字表达具体班级的时候要注意class的大写状态,并且数字相当于大写字母,要求数字与class 中的大写字母“c”要写一样大,既高矮一样。

4. 强调单词之间要保持一个小写字母“a”那样大的距离,以保证在辨认上不相混淆。

5. 以四线三格为基本书写格式。

t:now you can h**e a try to write the sentences like me. let me see which group is the most careful.

t: oh, i h**e to give every group 1 mark. you are all careful.

today we h**e two new friends. new friends, old friends. do you understand?

they are from other countries. would you like to make friends with them?

ss: yes.

t: for the distance, we can’t meet them, but they sent e-mails for us. let’s read together.

base on the passages to answer my question . is she (**)from england?/ is he (**)in class 1?

let me see which group is best?

ss: yes.


hello, i’m takuya.(send a photo.) i’m in class 1.

i’m from japan. (send a picture of japanese flag.) welcome to japan.

passage 2

hello. my name is tom. (send a photo.

) i’m from england. (send a picture of english flag.) i’m in class2.

welcome to england.

t:now look at the screen and answer my question: is she (**)from england?

/is he (**)in class 1?

s2: no.

t: you’re right. give your group 1 mark.

follow me.(出示头饰卡片) tom, i’m tom. i’m in class 2.

(出示班级卡片)i’m from england. (出示国旗) takuya, i’m takuya. (出示头饰) i’m in class 1.

(出示班级卡片) i’m from japan. (出示国旗) i’m yuan yuan. .

出示头饰) i’m in class 3. (出示班级卡片) i’m from china. (出示国旗)(repeat again)

drills: 让每小组长带上头饰领读。

consolidate the new words and patterns

1. look at the cards and flags, then read.

2. let’s h**e a match. each group has a set of cards, you should put one’s information together with your group members.

look, which group is the quickest?

t: oh, group 4 is the quickest. add 1 mark.


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