英语阅读第四册短语翻译复习 新

发布 2021-02-05 06:50:28 阅读 2869

translate the following into chinese or vice versa

1. ski resorts滑雪圣地2. dengue fever登革热3. stumbling block绊脚石。

4. be critical to至关重要的,关键的幻想、白日梦、痴心妄想6. life expectancy预期寿命7.

cognitive theory认知理论8. go mucking about with干扰。

9. at one’s peril自担风险,自负后果10. venereal disease性病。

11. pride oneself on以……为自豪12. store up储存,储备13.

neck of the woods区域14. phenomenal demand巨大需求15. dry run演练16.

patron saint保护神17. fertility rate生育率18. public opinion**。

19. accentuate the positive and eliminate thenegative扬长避短。

editor责任编辑21. honeyed words甜言蜜语22. old testament旧约全书23.

cleaning compound清洁剂24. esprit de corps团队精神25. star guest嘉宾。

26. peaks and troughs波峰与谷底27. pretend play扮演游戏28.

punch line台词29. deductive reasoning演绎性推理30. republic of letters文人大众31.

olive grove橡树园32. global warming effects温室效应。

33. genetically engineered crop基因改造作物34. long-term goal长期目标35.

illegitimate birth私生子(女)36. gm food转基因食品37. waifs and strays天涯孤客,无家可归之人38.

be consistent with相吻合39. a host of种种。

一部引起广泛注意的书41. adhere to粘附,胶着,坚持,奉行。

42. confine to仅限于43. run-of-the mill普通的44. fluctuate with波动发展45. smoking gun确凿证据。

46. greenhouse-enhanced earth温室效应严重的地。

球。47. excite contempt and indignation引发蔑视和。


49. in civil terms用词礼貌50. self-styled patron有个性特点的赞助商51.

replacement rate人口置换率52. biological imperatives生物的必须要求53. dwindle to减少54.

weigh up评价55. succumb to屈服,接受56. brand literate精通各种品牌57.

hinge on聚焦58. mould into融进59. hot topix spots热门话题;60.

natural credulity天生轻信61. sales pitches推销台词。

62. put a sock in it住嘴63. get a case of jitters紧张到极点64.

get down to business言归正传65. be sanguine about持乐观态度66. log jam信息堵塞67.

be effusive about热衷于68. be turned off learning失去学习兴趣 for oneself照料自己,自行谋生70.

work off除去,清除。


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