
发布 2021-02-05 06:47:28 阅读 2547

农产品加工业:farm products processing industry

鼓起腰包:fill one’s wallet

国家统计局数据:figures released by the national bureau of statistics

最具活力产业:the most dynamic industry

增长率名列国民经济各产业之首:with growth rate topping all industries in the national economy.

国家经贸委:the state economic and trade commission

促进农业整体发展:promote the upgrade of agriculture generally

乡镇企业:township enterprises

建立与当地农民利益共享的关系:forge a relationship that shares benefits with local farmers

加快中国农业结构重组:speed up the restructuring of chinese agriculture

区域资源不断优化:the continuous optimizing of regional resources

进行海外投资:make overseas investments

面对困难;走出困境:in the face of difficulties; find one’s way out

汽车制造业:automotive industry

..的显著下降:a significant drop of ..

煤炭储备:coal reserves

在国际市场上占有很小的市场份额:account for a small percentage of the global market

中国加入世贸组织:china’s wto entry/accession ; china’s wto entrance

中国独资公司:sole corporation; purely chinese companies

独资企业:individual proprietorship

跨供公司控股的中国公司:chinese enterprises working under multinational groups

****:automotive industry

有以下优势:..is strong in several aspects

加快。。。的发展:quicken the pace of ..

speed up...advance the growth of ..accelerate the development of ..

展现优势:fully flex one’s muscles

利用技术、营销和资金运转方面的优势:take advantage of the superiority in technology, marketing and working capital.

解雇:dismiss;lay off

征自。。。的税收:taxes levied on...

缴税。。。pay...in taxes

在国内市场推出产品和服务:launch products and services onto the domestic market.


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