吴往华 二年级集体备课教案

发布 2020-12-16 23:52:28 阅读 2977

primary english for china book4

unit3 my robot part a

活动目标】1. 知识目标:

(1)巩固操练“there is/are…”句型。

(2)能在情景中熟练运用“is there a/an…?”及其回答yes, there is. no, there isn’t.

2. 能力目标。



3. 情感目标。



活动准备】1. 机器人肢体的分解图及机器人的模型。

2. 学生自带动物玩具或者画自己喜欢的动物。

活动过程】step1 warm-up

1. greetings

2. let’s sing

step2 revision

1. let’s listen and do.

t: look. who’s this?

s: that’s lan yang yang.

t: yes. i’m lan yang yang now. i want to play with you. i say, you do. ok?

lan yang yang: stand up. sit down.

close your eyes. open your mouth. touch your ears.

point to your nose.

2. ask and answer.

lan yang yang: wow, very good. you can come to my room. sorry, it’s so mess.

t: ①is there a window?

② is there a box?

③ is there a chair?

④ is there a robot?

t: but now my room is like this, why?

look, what’s this?

s: robot

t: yes,there’s a robot , it can help me.

lead in: so today we’re going to learn unit3 my robot (a)

step3 presentation

1. teach: a head

t: look, what’s this?

s: it’s a box.

t: what’s in the box?

t: there’s a head.并将头的单词**贴到黑板上,并领读。通过小组,个人读等方式巩固该单词。

2. use the same way to teach the other words: a shoulder/knee, an arm 并将该单词的**贴到黑板上。

3. listen and do.

t: now let’s relax and play a game. stand up.

point to your hand. touch your shoulder. touch your arm.

sit down.

4. 将手的单词卡片贴到黑板上并引导学生拼读a hand. 并出示 a head 的**,将两个单词进行对比。

step4 practice

1. look and say.将刚才教授的单词**拼成一个完整的机器人。

t: look, what’s this?

s: it’s a robot.

t: yes, let’s look and say. there’s a . there’s an .

2. let’s chant.

t: what’s in the box? what’s in the box?

s: head, head. there’s a head. …

3. play a guessing game.

t: there’s a robot in my box. but it’s not healthy.

maybe it has no head or no arms … you must ask: is there a/an…?

4. pair work

a. t: wow, you’re so clever.

lan yang yang likes you so much. welcome to my village. let’s go.

oh, no. hui tai lang is coming. don’t worry.

the robot is coming, too. let’s make a dialogue. follow me.

灰太狼: ha-ha.

红太狼: oh, no! what’s that? is there a head?

灰太狼: yes, there is.

红太狼: is there a mouth?

灰太狼: yes, there is.

红太狼: is there a shoulder?

灰太狼: yes, there is.

懒羊羊: ha-ha. there’s a robot.

灰太狼: run!

懒羊羊: bye.

b. let’s act out the dialogue.

5. 羊羊交友会。

t: lan yang yang has a good friend, robot. he wants to make more friends.

who can try?让学生拿出自己准备好的毛绒玩具来介绍。

step 5 sum up

1. show the robot on the board and read the new words and sentence patterns.

2. learn more: green hand/ green eyes/ big hand.

step 6 homework

1. listen to the tape for three times and imitate. (听录音,模仿a部分并跟读三次。)

2. draw a picture of your robot; match the words of the parts.(画一个机器人,并标上身体部位的名称。)


时间: 2013.4.2

地点: 办公室

人员: 吴往华周艳萍黄小芬刘忠慧张爱华。

主讲人: 吴往华

记录人: 吴往华

课题:《unit 3 my robot》


本课时,教者准备重点学习a部分七个有关身体的单词:a head/a shoulder/an arm/a hand/a leg/a knee/a foot 和句型there’s a…… is there a/an……?




(1)巩固操练“there is/are…”句型。

(2)能在情景中熟练运用“is there a/an…?”及其回答yes, there is. no, there isn’t.
















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