科普版小学三年级英语第7 11课练习题

发布 2020-11-25 10:01:28 阅读 8944


鸟b_ _d 鱼f_sh 母鸡h_n 肥胖的f_t 看l_ _k

这个th_ _那个th_t 鸡蛋___红色的___热的___

书包b_ g 在……里__ 便帽___颜色c__l和___

盒子___黑色的bl__ck 白色的wh__t__ 蓝色的bl__ 夫人___

好的,晴朗的f__ne 好的n__ce 妈妈___爸爸___香蕉b__n__n__

为,给___婴儿b__b__ 苹果__ppl__


) it d. mrs


( )1. milk ( 2. pen3. name4. it


( )5. me6. map7. look8. ball


四、用 a , an 填空。

_ banana

_ apple

_ pear

_ bus elephant

_ cat_ dog

_ bird

_ girl

_ orange


)'s blue___

)'s___bag. 【

)3it' s black and blue. 【s this? colour is it? 's in it?】

)4. -is this your bagit isn't. 【

)5.-what __is it? -red. 【

)6.- colour is red and blue? 【s old】

)7.-this is mrs 's your name? are you? to meet you.】

)8.-what's 's a pencil. is. is my mum.】

)9.-is this your she is. ,it is. ,it is.】

)10.-how do you are you? do you do? ,thanks】

)11.-look! an apple for you, you. at all. 'm ok.】

)12.-how are you. 'm you.】


)1.-what's your name? -i'm tom.

)2.-how old are you? -i'm you.

)3.-is this your book? -yes ,it's my book.

)4.-what colour is it? -it's an orange.

)5.-how are you? -i'm four.

)6.-a banana for you. -thank you.

)7.-is this your dad? -yes, he is.

)8.-are you new? -yes,i am.



she is eve. is my mum. this is eve.


is an apple. apple for you. an apple for you.


do you do? old are you? old is you?


do you do? to meet you, too. are you?


) colour is your bag? a.它是什么颜色? b.你的书包是什么颜色? c.在你的包里有什么?

) the apple red. a.把苹果涂色。 b.把苹果涂成红色。 c.苹果是红色的。

)'s black and white. a.它是红蓝相间的。 b.它是红黄相间的。 c.它是黑白相间的。

)'s my cata.它是我的书包。 b.它是我的帽子。 c.它是我的猫。

)'s in ita.什么在它上面? b.什么在它里面? c.它在里面吗?

) that your mum? a.那是你的妈妈吗? b.这是你的妈妈吗? c.她是你的妈妈吗?

) do you doa.很高兴见到你! b.你几岁了c. 你好!


小学英语学习材料。金戈铁骑整理制作。九年义务教育小学三年级上册。2012 2013学年度 英。语。教。案。宋庄小学陈静。2012 2013学年度三年级英语上册教学进度计划。一 学生情况分析。三年级一班共有学生名,其中男生名,女生名。这些学生大部分聪明活泼 勤奋好学,基本上都未曾接触过英语,他们对英语...


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