
发布 2020-11-15 05:58:28 阅读 7480


1. study for a test 为测试做准备 to the doctor 去看医生, 去看病3.come to the party 参加聚会4. go to the movies 去看电影。

5. go to my guitar lesson上我的吉他课 6.another time 下次。

7. on the school team 在校8.the whole day 一整天。

9. culture club 文化俱乐部10.baseball game \ match 棒球赛。

11. geography project 地理课题12. go to the concert 去听**会。

13. on saturday afternoon 在星期六下午。

在具体的某一天, 或在某一天的上午、下午、晚上要用介词 on 表示。

on the night of may 2nd , 2008 they arrived at the village .

she left her house on a cold morning .

we will plant trees on sunday morning .

14. lesson , 1 )“课,功课 ” 可数名词。

h**e a piano lesson 上钢琴课 go to my guitar lesson去上我的吉他课。

h**e lesson 上课do one’s lessons 做功课。

at school we h**e four lesson in the morning .

my parents can help me with my lessons on weekends .

( 2 ) 教训 ”,teach sb a lesson 给某人一个教训。

the accident givesall of usa lesson .

15. play 后面跟球类运动的名词时,名词前不加任何冠词;但后面跟西洋乐器时,乐器。


play basketball \ football \ volleyball \ tennis \ ping-pong .

play the piano \ violin \ drums \ trumpet \

16. h**e to “ 必须,不得不 ”;第三人称单数为 has to ;过去式为 had to 。

i h**e to help my mother do housework on weekends .

she has to babysit her little sister at home .

they had to work until 12:00 yesterday .

以上各句的一般疑问句 :只要在句首加助动词 do, does , did , 划线部分用原形。

do you h**e to help your mother do housework on weekends ?

does she h**e to babysit her little sister at home ?

did they h**e to work until 12: 00 yesterday ?

否定句: 只要在主语后面加don’t, doesn’t 或didn’t ,划线部分用原形。

i don’t h**e to help my mother do housework on weekends .

she doesn’t h**e to babysit her little sister at home .

they didn’t h**e to work until 12: 00 yesterday .

17. thanks for sth ==thank you for sth 谢谢你的某物。

thanks for your help. =thank you for your help .

thanks for your invitation . thank you for your invitation .

thanks for doing sth. =thank you for doing sth . 谢谢你做某事。

thanks for helping me . thank you for helping me .

thanks for inviting me . thank you for inviting me .

18. invitation 名词,“邀请”。 at the invitation of sb. 应某人的邀请。

let’s go to jim’s party . i’m sorry , i h**en’t got his invitation .

he is going to shanghai at the invitation of his pen pal .

invite 动词,“邀请”。 invite sb. to do sth 邀请某人去做某事。

he invitedme toh**e dinner with him yesterday .

19. really 副词,“真的,的确”, 修饰动词、副词、形容词。

ireally love playing the piano . 修饰动词 )

on weekends i’m really tired of the homework . 修饰形容词 )

everyone works really hard before the exam . 修饰副词 )

really 用于口语中,表示惊讶或赞同,“ 真的吗?”。

i’m flying to america for my holiday .

really ? h**e a good time .

20. busy 形容词,“ 忙的,繁忙的”;反义词free .

are you busy ? yes, i’m spending a really busy weekend .

be busy with sth 忙于某事。

she is busy with her housework now .

be busy doing sth 忙于做某事。

what are you busy withi’m busy ****** my model plane .

21. free (1) 空闲的,不忙的,有空的,反义词busy。

i will be free tomorrow .

are you free this evening ?

(2) 免费的 all the tickets are free tonight .

there’s no free lunch everywhere .

22. join 参加某个组织\团体, 加入某人。

take part in 参加某项活动 take part in doing sth.

attend 参加会议\ 婚礼 \ 葬礼。

he joined the army ( 军队) last year..

we will go swimming this afternoon . would you like to join us ?

are you going to take part in the football match ?

i was invited to attend the meeting .我被邀请参加那个会议。

23. 给某人打**:call sb. ing sb. \phone sb. ing sb. up \ give sb. a ring

\ give sb. a call . make a telephone call to sb.

24. keep up with sb .赶上某人。

you must work hard every day to keep up with others .

keep in touch with sb. 和某人保持联系。


unit 5 can you come to my party?学案。section a1a 1c 学习目标。1.学会有礼貌向别人发出邀请。2.掌握 h e to 和 can 的用法。学习重点 难点。重点 1.掌握词组 study for a test go to the doctor h e a ...


unit 5 can you come to my party?section a1a 2c 第一课时。预习目标。1.学会有礼貌向别人发出邀请。2.掌握 h e to 和 can 的用法。一 自学。1.当你邀请别人参加聚会时,你如何邀请。2.试着翻译下列短语。study for a testh e ...


应掌握的词组 1 参加某人的聚会4 为测验而学习7 太多家庭作业10 谢谢邀请13 寻找16 给某人打 19 加入某人一起 应掌握的句子 1 你能在星期三来参加我的聚会吗?对不起,我不能去,我得帮助我的父母。2 星期四他们能和我一起去看电影吗?不能,他们有太多的作业要做。3 我能用一下您的钢笔吗?当...