
发布 2020-11-03 11:14:28 阅读 6487



unit3this is my sister.

教学内容】:section b, 1a-2c【教学目标】:

1.知识目标:a. learn key vocabulary: grandfather, grandmotheraunt, uncle, cousin

b. grasp target language: this is my…

is this your…?2.能力目标:a.

to get the information about partner’s to train students’ability of communicative;3.情感目标:to be able to be polite when new friend comes.

教学重点】:a. learn key vocabulary: grandfather, grandmotheraunt, uncle, cousin

b. grasp target language: this is my…

is this your…?【教学难点】:to talk about something about partner’s family.

【教学方法】:task-based language teaching.

教学手段】:some photos, a tape recorder and pictures【教学设计】:

教学步骤。step i:lead in

showing some photos of me and ask.

t:what’sthisinenglish? doyou wanttoknow who thisis?

ss: yes.…



questions to improve students’ability of guessing if you want to know who they are, we will go on learningunit 3“this is my sister.”

the teacher writes the title on the blackboard.)step ii:new words

t:doyoulikegames?beforewebeginnewlesson,let’sh**e a guessing game, ok?

i need a volunteer to come tothe front and help me. after guessing, please put the wordup on the blackboard one by someone can guessthe word, you will get a flag. at the end of the class, let’ most flags is the greatest.

t: give 11 sentences and let students guess what they are. ifsomeone do well, give him/her a flag.

and read the wordone by one.

t: read the words together part 1.

t: open your books at page 16. add the words in the box tothe family tree.

then check the answer.

t: i h**e a family tree on the blackboard and some photosof the members. who can come to the front and put themin the right order.

(the students match.)t: now check the answer.

3.2blisten again. which picture are d**e and lin haitalking about?

then check the iv:task(i)

t: (showing some photos) i h**e a photos of the membersof my family. this is…

pleasetakeoutyourownphotosandtalkaboutyourfamily to your partners. first work in pairs and your partner’s family.

choose one pair of every group and choose the best one andthen next turns.

choose one student of every group to v:

drawyour ideal photo ofyour family. ifyou are ok,youcan come to the front and put it up on the bb. then i .

step vi:

let’s see which group has the most flags. congratulations.








step vii: sum up and make an assessment.

step viii: homework.

draw your own family tree with true name.



板书设计】unit3this is my sister.


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