新目标英语八年级上册单元复习 unit

发布 2022-12-23 19:50:28 阅读 4054


1. how do you get to …?是用来询问对方如何到达某地的常用询问方式,常用回答方式如:

i walk to school./i get to school on ride my bike to school./i get to school by take the subway to school.

/i get to school by subway.2.辨析:

get to/reach/arrive牢记:相同点:都是“到达“的意思。

不同点:get to+地点/reach+地点。

arrive at+小地点(车站等)/arrive in+大地点(国家等)注意:若他们后面要加地点副词here,there,home等,则不需要加介词。数词,意为“百”


如:two hundred2)“hundreds of” “数以百计的”4 .well,i usually walk but sometimes i take the bus.

1)walk to school=go to school on foot,foot前不用冠词,下列短语都不用冠词:by busat nightat noongo to schoolh**e breakfastplay footballgo to bed2)辨析sometimes,some times,sometime,some time

sometimes:有时。用于一般现在时he sometimes goes to the cinema on times:

几次,几倍we h**e been to beijing some times.

sometime:某个时候用于过去或将来maybe we’ll meet sometime next week time:一段时间it’ll take me some time to walk takes about 25 minutes to walk…..

牢记句型:it takes sb. +一段时间+to do sth.

“做某事花费某人多长时间”注意:spend和take的用法区别6 -how long does it take?–it takes 20 minutes.

how far is it from his home to school?–about 10 kilometers./it’s about five minutes’bikeride.

7h**e a quick breakfast迅速地吃完早餐。

8.every day “每天”,做时间状语。everyday:形容词做定语,“日常的” le**es for school at around six thirty.

1) le**e for去某地2)at six thirty=at half past the early bus takes him to school.




wants to know what she thinks of the transportation.托马斯想知道她对交通有什么看法。1)what

she thinks of the transportation.是宾语从句。牢记:宾语从句用陈述句语序。

注意:疑问语序和陈述语序的对比:how does she get to school?她怎么样到学校?

thomas wants to know how she gets to school.托马斯想知道她怎么样到学校。where does nina live?尼娜住在**?

he wants to know where nina lives.他想知道尼娜住在**。2)what…think of…意为“。。

认为。。。怎么样”=how…like…12..in other parts of the world在世界其他地方辨析another,other, the other, others, the others


the t-shirt is too you show me another (one)?

2)(the)other有两种用法: other…用来指已知的两个人或事物中的另一个。


one of my parents is an engineer,and the other is a teacher.

the visitors come from beijing,shanghai,xi’an and some other big cities of china.3)(the)others相当于(the)other+名词,boating.

和but不能同时使用 china, it depends on where you are.

1)depend on视。。。而定,决定于,依靠2)where you are宾语从句,用陈述句语序。 must be a lot more fun than taking a bus!

1)must be十分肯定的推测而can’tbe表示否定的推测(中考热门考点)2)a lot “…得多”+形容词比较级。类似的还有:even, much, a little等16..

be different from与。。。不同反义词组:the same as17..

h**e to不得不强调客观上must必须强调主观上。

small number of students take the subway.少数学生乘地铁。a small number of少量的a great number of大量的。

辨析:a number of+名词复数+复数谓语。意为:“许多,很多”the number of+名词+单数谓语。意为:“…的数量”

例句:a number of students are on the playground.很多学生在操场上。

the number of students in our school is about 2000.我们学校的学生人数大约是2000人。 it rains i take a taxi.

when it rains是时间状语从句。遵循主将从现原则。 need to see my friend.

need to do sth.需要做某事。注意这里的“need”是实义动词。


“需要”/“不必”need+动词原形例句:you needn’t finish the work today.你不必今天完成这项工作。

-need itype the letter again?–yes,you must./no,you needn’t.


h**e a map but it’s in i only speak english.辨析:sayspeak talk和tell

say意为:“说,讲”,它针对的是说话的内容。what did you say?

speak意为:“说,讲话”不强调说话的内容,但有时讲某种语言,(在会上)发言,要用 baby is learning to speak./speak more slowly,意为“谈话,交谈”常与with,about,to搭配。

tell意为“说,告诉”,侧重于“告诉”的含义多一些。tell to do sth./tell not to do sth.

22. .don’t worry.

别担心。be worried about…意为“为。。。担心”

23. .let me look at your map.1)牢记:let sb. do sth.

2)辨析:looklook atsee与watch

look与look at强调看的过程。see强调看的内容和结果。watch意为:“**”+“展览,球赛”等。

look!they are flying kites./please look at the picture carefully.

what can you see in the room?–i can’t see anything because it’s dark like to watch dolphins swim in the water./father is 病的”形容词做表语,sick“生病的”做定语。

he is ill,/he is a sick person.



2)how often表示“多久一次”对频率提问。例如:twice a times a day3)how long表示“多长时间”就“for+一段时间”或“一段时间”提问。

例for 2 days4)how soon表示“多久以后”就“in+时间段”提问。例如:in two days

5)how far表示“多远”,就“路程,距离”的提问。例如:10 kilometres.

/five minutes’ walk6)how many times表示“几次”就次数提问。例如:three times7)how many表示“多少”就可数名词多少提问8)how much表示:

“多少”就不可数名词多少提问9)how old多大几岁。

10)how tall多高用于询问“某人、某物的高度”11)how he**y多重。

12)how about=what about意为“……怎么样?”用以询问对方的意见。


unit 8 how do you make a banana milk shake?知识点。1.摇动过去式2.蜂蜜勺,调羹。3.糖 4.奶酪 5.机器 6.三明治 7.黄油 8.块9.感恩节10.传统的11.秋季12.旅行者13.英国14.庆祝 庆贺15.盘子,碟子16.接待,服务17.温度,气候...


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