
发布 2022-12-23 19:49:28 阅读 5336

八上unit 4 复习导学案。


一听写。单词: 舒适的 __票___细致地记者___新鲜的 __接待;服务 __有创造力的___天资;天赋 __魔术师奖金实例;范例严重地拥挤的挤满的人人;每人表演者菜单最坏的银屏屏幕戏院;剧院座位___贫穷的;清贫的早(或午、晚)餐;一餐所吃的食物___

talent (adjbeautiful (advcrowd (adj

win (n.表人serious (adv.)_cheaply(slclose(slchoose (ptbad/badly(sl.

) good / well(sl.) many / much(sl






all these shows h**e one thing

2.那由你来决定。that’syou to decide.


talent shows are gettingpopular.


students shouldthe exams


theyin deciding the winner.

6.谁是最好的表演者? who is


what do youthe shows?


who sings


however, if you don’t __these showsthey are __to watch.


)1is it from your home? —10 minutes by bus.

long far time

) girl sings

) cinema iscenter street.

) is one of in the world.

country countries largest countries country

)5. he is better than the others.

) hope life can get

and best and better and good and well

) should study hard to make our dream

over back true up

) can get a big plate of dumplings only five yuan at dumpling house.

)9. english is my f**orite subject, and i am goodit.

a. for b. to c, at d. with

)10. parents play a role intheir children.

a. teach b. teaches c. to teach d. teaching

)11. .which subject isof all?

a. the most interested b. the most interesting

c. the more interested d. the more interesting

) funthe talent show.

a. watch b, to watch c, watched d. watches

) areschool things in the store.

a. a kind of b. kind of c. different kind of d. all kinds of

)14. our city is becoming

a. more and most beautiful b. more beautiful and more beautiful

c. more and more beautiful d. beautiful and beautiful

)15. his dog is lost. he isit .

a. looking for b. finding c. finding out d. looking at


1. thanks fortell) me.

2. dumpling house ischeap) restaurant in the city.

3. some students in our school are trulytalent).

4. it’s always interesting (watch) peopleshow) their talents.

5. she is good atshow) her talent.

6. which city isbeautiful), beijing, shanghai or hangzhou?

8. thebore) tv show made me feelbore).

9. lucy is the bestperform) in the group.

10. he is an interesting boy. he often makes uslaugh).


think town cinema is the worst, because its seats are very

fun to watch the performerstheir talents.

3..the room iswith young people.


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