
发布 2020-11-02 20:25:28 阅读 4715


you like apples, sarah? yes,i do. you like pears? don’t ,i like bananas.

ababyou like oranges? yes,i do. 4. do you like grapes? no,i don’t. i like pears.


1. h**e somea . strawberry


like grapesi like bananas. w w w .x k b o m

about you like them

don’t like apples.-mea. too

don’t like .i like . grapes grapes


apple pear banana orange hot dog grape watermelon strawberry


some you.

i h**e some strawberries? b. yes,i do.

you like

don’t like here you are.

you don’t like grapes.


hi,my name is sarah. i’m six years is my man is my father. he likes woman is my likes boy is my name is likes oranges,milk and girl is like apples,grapes and bananas.

1、father likes a、pears b、bananas c、orange新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网

2、mother likes

a、stawberries b、watermelons c、orange

3、my brother likesa b

4、sarah is years old. a、five b、six c、ten

5、i like


1、( a、tall b、long c、pear 2、( a、he b、she c、fruit

3、( a、apple b、orange c、map 4、( a、banana b、short c、strawberry

5、( a、watermelon b、boat c、ball 6、( a、father b、car c、mum


1、honey,let’s buy some fruit. a我也不喜欢。

2、do you like orangesb对不起,我不喜欢葡萄。

3、yes ,i doc宝贝,我们买点水果吧

4、sorry,i don’t like grapesd你喜欢橙子吗。


6、can i h**e some strawberries? f是的,我喜欢。


( )c sorry

( )3. dog b chicken (

) c .grapes新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网。


) you like strawberries? a.你喜欢草莓吗? b.你想吃点草莓吗?

)2.-i don’t like pears.-me,neither.


) want some bananas,oranges and grapes. 新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网。


) don’t like grapes.


) apple aday keeps the doctor away.



) you like watermelons? i can’t. b. no, i don’t.

) i h**e some oranges? you don’t like oranges.

) some fruit, boys and girls. you,miss here you are

) you like strawberries? but i very well,thanks.

) bag ,please! is the doggy bag. way!

十。一、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“t”,错误的写 “f”. 新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网

hello! i am wang like peaches(桃子)very don’t like father likes doesn’t like mother likes bananas. she doesn’t like pears.

) hong likes hong doesn’t like grapes.

) hong’s father likes watermelons. (mother likes bananas

) hong’s mother doesn’t like oranges


e. grapes

i see some __and one___i like __them all.

an apple a day, keeps the doctor away !

honey , let’s buy some fruit . do you like oranges ?

no,i don’t. i like apples. do you like pears? yes,i do.

apple pear orange banana. fun run duck under cut up

h**e some grapes. like grapes. don’t like grapes

can i h**e some bananas? here you are. watermelon strawberry

grape i don’t like watermelons. me, neither.

do you like grapes? they taste really you like oranges?

no, but i should. apples, watermelons, strawberries,too---

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