
发布 2020-11-02 19:20:28 阅读 5183

lesson 21: how can we go to beijing? 教学设计。


1)掌握四会单词airplane(plane),train, fast, slow, faster, slower.

2)听懂、会说句型___is faster(slower) than __并能在实际情境中进行运用。






能够在实际情境中正确运用句型___is faster(slower) than __


教学过程:step 1. lead in

t: where do you live?

s: i live in….

t: how do you go to school?

s:by bus.(by bike. by car……


step 2. presentation

1.教学单词airplane(plane),train, fast, slow。

t: (屏幕出示一幅**)look, this is my friend cathy. she wants to go on a trip to canada.

how can she go there? by bus?

s: no.

t: canada is far from china. a bus is slow.

(板书并领读)she can go there by airplane. (拿出飞机单词卡片贴在黑板上,教学airplane(plane), 向学生介绍飞机的两种写法)

an airplane is fast. (板书并领读)

t: i want to go to beijing on this children’s day. can i go there by bus?

s: no.

t: how can i go there?

s: by car.

t: but i don’t h**e a car.

s: by airplane.

t: oh. the airplane is fast, but i don’t h**e enough money.

i think i can go there by train. the train is faster than the bus, and cheaper than the airplane. the train is just right for me.

2.教学句型___is faster thanis slower than __

t: which one is fast? which one is slow? (cai课件出示飞机和火车**)

s: an airplane is fast. a train is slow.

t: yes. an airplane is faster than a train. a train is slower than an airplane.

t: look, which one is faster? which one is slower? (出示火车和自行车**)

s: a train is faster than a bus. a bus is slower than a train.

step 3. practice

1. 出示飞机、火车、公共汽车等有关交通工具的每对**,让学生说出**要表达的内容。

eg: a train is __than a bus but __than an airplane.

2.多**展示自行车和大卡车,出租车和飞机,小鸡和兔子等**,学生对比,运用句型___is faster(slower) than __

eg: a bicycle is slower than a truck. a truck is faster than a bicycle.

a cab is slower than an airplane. an airplane is faster than a cab.

the chicken is slower than the rabbit. the rabbit is faster than the chicken.

liu xiang is faster than miss cui. miss cui is slower than liu xiang.


book:t: we know li ming wants to go on a trip to beijing.

how do li ming and his mother go to beijing? let’s listen to the audiotape and try to find the answers.

step 4. consolidation

demonstrate a dialogue with a volunteer.

t: boys and girls, children’s day is coming. where do you want to go ?

how do you go there? talk about it with your friends. here are some places and vehicles for you.


children’s day is coming. i want to go on a trip. let’s go to __by___i want to take ais faster thanis slower than __


step homework:让学生去调查身边的人或事物,写一写___is faster /slower than __


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