
发布 2020-11-01 01:35:28 阅读 3491



重点单词: sweep the floor; cook the meals; clean the bedroom; water the flowers; empty the trash; wash the clothes; set the table; make the bed; do the dishes; put away the clothes; use a computer

重点句型: what can you do?

i can sweep the floor.

i can …

can you use a computer?

yes, i can.

can you make the bed?

no, i can’t.

句型讲练。1. what can you do?

这句话的意思是“你能做什么”,回答时要用“i can + 动作”这样的结构。这个很常用的问句我们可以在人称上有很多的变化,可以把you变成he,或者she,又或者人名john等等,这时,在回答上人称也跟着变化。例如:

a. what can you do?

i can use a computer.

b. what can he do?

he can wash the windows.

c. what can your sister do?

she can set the table.

d. what can zhang peng and mike do?

they can cook the meals.

2. can you make the bed?

这句话用来提问别人是否能完成某样事情,“你能…吗?”是一般疑问句,回答时和其他一般疑问句形式差不多,肯定yes, i can,否定no, i can’t。同样地,我们还要在人称上做一些相应的问句和答句的改变。

例如:a. can you use a computer?

yes, i can. /no, i can’t.

b. can miss chen do the dishes?

yes, she can. /no, she can’t.

c. can they wash the clothes?

yes, the can. /no, they can’t.

3. can的特点。


a. can的肯定式:can+动词原形。

i can sing english songs.

you can go to school by no. 11 bus.

he can play basketball very well.

my father can swim.

b. can的否定式:can + not +动词原形。


my little dog cannot run./ my little dog can’t run.


1.can the robot sweep the floor? (写两种答案)

2.can your brother do housework? (写两种答案)

3.what can you do? (扫地和洗衣服)

4.what can your sister do? (打扫卧室和浇花)


1yes, i can do the dishes.

2yes, we can empty the trash.

3we can play football.

4tom can use a computer.



这三个字母组合没有任何实际意义,只是因为它的电码… -三个圆点,三个破折号,然后再加三个圆点)在电报中是发报方最容易发出,接报方最容易辨识的电码。



1. yes, it can. no, it can’t.

2. yes, he can. no, he can’t

3. i can sweep the floor and wash the clothes.

4. she can clean the bedroom and water the flowers.


1. can you do the dishes?

2. can you empty the trash?

3. what can you do?

4. what can tom do?


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