
发布 2020-10-18 20:14:28 阅读 9701



袅( )1. a . math b those c. thurday d thank

芄( )2. a peach b seat c teacher d heathly

芁( )3. a how b brown c town d snow

肆( )4. a. fresh b. fruit c. floor d. from

蚄( )5. b. crow c. clock


蚂( )1what day is it today ?

螈a it’s monday b it’s monday

蚇( )2what do you h**e __wednesday?

蒃 a onb in

蝿( )3. today is monday .

蒀what day is it tomorrow ?

蒆a it’s monday b it’s tuesday

薃( )4..mother’s day is the __sunday in ma y.

膀a. second b. first c. fifths

羈( )is___

膅 蚃( )english on mondays.

薁john __english on

蚀 h**e h**e has

羄( )7.__do you __on sundays?

蚃 i often do my homework.

羂 do do c. how do

肇( )8. what about __aunt cathy?

羇 螃( )8:00. it’s time __get up.

肈a. to b. \c. for

蝿 ( 10.-i often play ping-pong.-great! i can play __you.

螅a. at b. with c. and

袃 ( 葿a. like b. onc. likes

芇( )12. i often paint or watch tv on saturdays. saturday is fun __me!

薄 a. forb. withc. to


袀iii罿( )1. is she quieta. e. mr. zhao.

薇( )2. what day is it todayb no, she is very active.

肂( )3. i don't like grapesc. it's tuesday.

芁( )4. who's your english teacher? d. they are sour.

蒇( )5、what’s your f**ourite fruit? e.. fish.

莆( )6、what’s your f**ourite food? f.. i often do homework

膂( )7、what do you do on sunday? g. .we h**e tofu and fish

蚂( )8、what do you h**e for lunch h. .i like apple.



节a. what do you do on mondays?

衿b. what day is it today?

薇c. when is your birthday?

袄2. 如果你想问“你们星期一上什麽课?”应该说:(

节a. monday is my f**orite.

芀b. we h**e english, math, and

荿 c. what do you h**e on monday?


莂a.what do you do on saturdays?

蚁 b. like sundays. i watch tv on sundays.

螆c. i like saturdays.

蚆4.别人问你:“what do you do on saturdays?” 你应该回答:(

蒂 a. i like saturdays.

肁 play computer games and read books on saturdays.

蒈c. it’s saturday today.

蒄5.“你呢?”除了说“what about you?”外,还可以说:(

薂 a. oops! b. oh, really? c. and you?


羆1. classes do what you like ?

蒇。蚂2. do on what you thursdays do ?

蕿。蚈 on does what do weekends ?

芆。螁4 for sweet me sunday is .

羀。莀 you on do what tuesdays ?肅。袁。


莁 1. it’s saturday today.(对画线部分提问)

袈。螄 2. i h**e english, math and on mondays. (对画线部分提问。

袁 3. i watch tv and do my homework on saturdays. (对画线部分提问。

螂 4. i like saturdays.(改为否定句 )

薀。袇 5. what day is tomorrow? (根据实际情况回答)

羁。罿6..he oftenplay) games on saturdays.


薆 time to h**e lunch (改为同义句)


蝿 d___is it today ?

莅 do you do on w

蒅 first day of the week is s___

螀 fifith day of the week is t __


莇 1.阅读课程表,填写单词,完成短文。(8分)

荿 we go to school fromtoonwe h**e english, math, chinese and computer. onwe h**e math ,english and two history(历史) classes . onwe h**e art, music and we watch science moviesis my f**orite .

onwe h**e english ,art , music and onwe h**e two chinese classes and two social study. english is my f**orite subject(课程)and i study hard .


五年级上册第二单元检测。班级姓名等级 一 根据拼音写词语。z n o q ng mi ji n j k n c mi n l s xi ng m ng l ng zh n zh q li ng li 二 辨字组词。施峭避。拖梢僻。三 在正确的读音下面划横线。维 w i w i 度要挟 xi xi 藐...


unit 2 my week 1 掌握日期及其缩写形式。2 牢记本次课关于what的特殊疑问句 3 学习日期中介词的用法。重点 日期及其缩写形式。难点 关于what的特殊疑问句 日期中介词的用法 sunday sun.周日。monday mon.周一。tuesday tue.tues.周二。wedn...


unit two my week 单元分析。学习目标 1.掌握a b部分 let s learn let s talk 中的词汇和句子。2.能听 说 读 写关于星期和日常活动的相关问题并能正确回答。3.锻炼学生听 说 读 写单词的能力,初步培养学生快速记词 写词的技能。4.学会与同学谈论星期和课程。...