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2011-03-28 13:24:15|分类: english |标签:小学五年级下册英语第四单元测验卷_试题_试卷 |字号大中小订阅

一、 结合上下文的意思在下面的短文的空格上填写适当的单词,将短文补充完整。(每空格只准填上一个单词,10分)

today isour national day. my family is busy now. look, i’mthe floor.

my sister lily isthe flowers. mom is cookingbrother is doingin the study. dadwriting anto uncle liis younger sister lucy doing?

shedoing any homework. she iscomputer games.

二、 补全对话,根据上下文的意思,在空格中填上适当的句子,使对话完整。(10分)

mike: hello!

larry: hello, mikehow’s everybody doing?

mike: just fine.

larrymike: i’m cleaning the room.

larrymike: my dad is reading the news***** in the study.

larrymike: sure. hold on, please

dad: i’m coming. who’s that?

mike: uncle larry.

三、 写话:看图写一写图上的人正在做什么,写5句话。(10分)

i wu yifan amy mike john

四、 看图详细回答下列问题。(10分)

1. a: what are you doing?

b2. a: when is your father’s birthday?

b3. a: which season does mike like best?

b4. a: what is zhang peng doing?

b5. a: is the boy doing the dishes?

b五、 阅读理解:阅读短文,然后选择相应的答案,把字母编号写在相应的括号里。(10分)

it’s a sunday morning. it’s sunny. there are many people in the park.

some students are playing games over there. two boys are playing football. a girl is flying a kite.

two children are running on the grass.

there is a house near the lake. beside the house two men are working. a woman is watering the flowers.

the flowers are very beautiful.

) 1. where are the students?

a. they are playing game. b. they are near the park.

c. in the park.

) 2. what is the girl doing?

a. i’m flying a kite. b. she’s flying a kite.

c. she’s playing football.

) 3. is there a lake near a house?

a. yes, there is. b. yes, it is. c. no, there isn’t.

) 4. are the men walking?

a. yes, he is. b. yes, they are. c. no, they aren’t.

) 5. what’s the weather like on sunday morning?

a. it’s sunny. b. it’s sunday. c. it’s summer.



1. amrs li doing ? b: she isa letter .

2. a: can you wash theb: no , i

3is reading books in the

4. a: is your birthday21st . b: no , it’s sept

5. i likebecause i can

6. a: what are the lions doing ?

b7. a: can monkeysb: sure .

8. ado you eat breakfast ? b: at

9. i read books on

10. aanimal do you likeb: dog .


) 1. a. i fly kites . b. i’m playing games . c. i can do the dishes.

) 2. a. we play sports . b. they’re singing. c. you’re talking.

) 3. a. we are reading books . b. she’s cooking dinner .

c. he’s drawing pictures.

) 4. a. yes , you can . b. yes , i can . c. yes , i do .

) 5. a. my mother . b. tom’s . c. me .

) 6. a. i plant trees . b. i plant trees in the park .

c. i plant trees in the morning .

) 7. a. i like winter . b. english is my f**ourite class .

c. mrs wang .

) 8. a. yes , i can . b. yes , i do . c. no , they can’t .


unit 4 reading is fun 词组 1.picture books图画书。there在那边。over here在这边。3.pictures of different places in china 中国各地的 4.stories fo children 儿童故事。5.read a st...


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五年级 下 语文第四单元测验

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