五年级英语下册第六单元测试卷 1

发布 2020-10-10 01:30:28 阅读 5366


五年级英语下册第六单元测试卷()2. what’s the date? isn’t.

听力部分40%()is zhang peng ? is in the woods.一、listen and choose.

(听音,标序号)16%()they reading a book? playing chess.画画摘树叶观察昆虫下棋() is john doing?

e. i like apple . they are your f**ourite fruit?

f. i am talking to you..游泳野炊做饭捉蝴蝶() she writing a report?

g .yes,they are.()二、listen and choose(听音,选择,并将序号写在前面括号里。

)12%()1、a、sleepingb、swimmmingc. fishing() 2、a、drinking waterb、climbing treesc. listening to music() 3、a、write a letterb、read a bookc.

watch insects() 4、a、play the pianob、go ping-pong() 5、a、summerb、fallc. winter() 6、a、oct.11thb、apr.

9thc. sept.12th三、listenand choose (听音,选择相应的答句,并将序号写在括号里。

)12%()1、a、yes ,i it is..(2、a、no,she isn’ ,he is.()3、a、he’s eating is eating lunch.

()4、a、they are taking are talking pictures.()5、a、she’s at the in the woods.()6、a、yes, it they can.

笔试部分60%四、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。10%()1、 swimmingc. swingd.

run()2、 fall()3、a. breakfastb. lunchc.

we areb. they isd. you are五、look and choose.

(选择,把正确答案的序号写到前面的括号里。)5%1、()what __john doing?a、isb、amc、are2、()is hea report?

a、writeingb、writec、writing3、()where are they?a、yes , they are in the picking up le**es.4、()are you eating lunch?

a. yes , you yes, i can .c.

no , we aren’t.5、()is she counting insects?__a.

no,he isn’ no, she is. c. no, she isn’t.

六、选出正确的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。16%()are you doing?a.

it’s running.精品文档。

) is it doing?h. it’s may 1st.

七.排词成句。10%1、playing is he chess .2、she insects is counting .

3、is no it not4、h**e today picnic a let’s .5、are they reading a book??八.看一看下面的句子,根据**写一写单词。

(9%)1.they are下棋)2. today is sunday , mike and chen jie are野炊)in the park. they h**e agood and mike are看电视)4.

look , sarah is收集树叶)九、阅读文章选择合适的答案,将序号写到前面的括号里10%(in a nature park)policeman: hello,little kid. why are you crying?

kid: i can’t find my dad and don’t worry. let me help where are they?

policeman: i think they are in the are they picking up le**es?policeman:

no, they aren’ are they taking pictures?policeman: no, they aren’ what are they doing?

policeman: let’s go and look, they are waiting for oh, yes, they are my father and mother. thank you’re welcome.

) 1. the boy’s family area. in the in the nature parkc. in the woods

精品文档。) 2. what’s wrong with the boy? he is

a. happyb. waiting for his parentsc. crying() 3. where are the boy’s parents?they are

a. in the woodsb. at homec. under the tree

) 4. are they picking up le**es?

a.no, they aren’t. b. yes, they are.()5. they are

for his sonb. taking pictures



姓名班级座位分数。听力部分 40 一 listen and circle.根据录音内容将下列每题中你认为符合的 编号写在左边的括号里。5 1 ab 2 ab 3 ab 4 ab 5 ab 二 listen and choose.听音,圈出你所听到的单词或词组。5 1.c.fishing 2.wate...


听力部分 30 一 listen and circle.根据录音内容将下列每题中你认为符合的 下面的字母编号圈出来。5 abab abab a b二 listen and choose.听音,圈出你所听到的单词或词组。5 1.c.fishing 2.water trees to music 3.a ...


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