
发布 2020-09-30 23:03:28 阅读 3840


) green fana.高又壮。

) english bookb.什么颜色。

) and strongc.一台绿色的风扇。

) colourd.在书包里。

) the schoolbage.一本英语书。


) book

) shortc. hand

) windowc. book

) fine

) toysc. keys

) notebook

) under

三、判断字母的发音,相同的画“√”不相同的画“x ”。

1. (name cat2. (like kite

3. (hot box4. (nine big

5. (cake make


) 1. -let’s clean the fan

a. sorryb. noc. ok.

) 2. -let me help you

a. nob. yes, i am c. thank you.

) 3. -are you? -i am fine, thank you.

a. whatb. howc. where

) 4. we h**e __new classroom.

a. ab. anc. is

) 5books do you h**e? -i h**e twelve.

b. how much c. how many

) 6. i __my notebook

a. isb. amc. lost

) 7. i h**e a pen and two___

a. bookb. pencil box

) 8. who’s that girl

a. she’s sarah mike is amy

) 9. she is very

namec. friendly

) 10is it? -it’s blue.

many colour


) 1. 当别人夸奖你的书包时,你应该说。

a. oh, youc. yes, it is.

) 2. 你想告诉你的同学你的书包很重时,你应该说。

schoolbag is schoolbag is black.

c. i h**e a new schoolbag.

)3. 当你打扰到别人,你会说:__

a. mec. here it is.

) 4. 你想知道陈洁的书包里有什么,你应该问。

in your in your bag?

in your desk?

) 5. 当你的同学amy建议大家一起打扫教室时,她说。

a. let’s clean the blackboard. b. let’s clean the classroom.

me clean the classroom.


) her namea. three.

) many books do you h**e? under the schoolbag.

) in your name is amy.

) clean the english book.

) is the pencile. ok.


1. a new h**e i schoolbag.

2. clean classroom let’s the

3. it is what colour ?

4. short is she thin and.

5. in schoolbag what’s your?


hello. i’m sarah. this is our school.

it’s so big. this is my classroom. it’s big and clean.

look! this is my desk. it is yellow.

my teacher is miss li. she is in the classroom. she is a good teacher.

i like my teacher.

) name is alice.

) school is so big.


2013年秋季新版pep四年级英语上册。recycle 1单元教学设计。一 教学目标。1.认知目标。1 能听懂 会说unit1 3中的特殊疑问句,并能熟练运用。2 能听 说 认读unit1 3中的单词和词组。2.能力目标。1 能利用本课所学的形容词来描述自己的朋友。2 能结合新旧知识完成描述外貌猜测...


pep小学英语四年级上册recycle 1教案。第一课时 第一课时 一 教学目标与要求。1.复习1 3单元所学会话,要求学生能根据实际情景熟练运用这些句子。2.复习1 3单元的四会单词,要求学生掌握并能熟练运用到句子中。3.复习1 3单元的let s do部分的句子。二 教学重难点分析 本课时教学重...


ss s1 s2 t what in your schoolbag 呈课件 i h e a an i h es s1 s2 t 今天来了好多老师听我们上课,里面也有老师的好朋友,你们来猜猜那个是老师的好朋友。t who s my best friend guess she has long hair...