
发布 2020-09-30 00:44:28 阅读 9493






二、write down the words.看图写词。(8分)

三、group the following words.(给下列单词分类,将单词序号填在横线上。(10分)

jacket ②nine ③banana ④math ⑤shirt

orange ⑦three⑧ ⑨sunny ⑩cloudy




四、tick or cross.下面每组单词划线部分发音是否相符,相符打“√”不相符打“×”5分)

) face ( pig

) box (


1、the, what’s, beijing, weather, like, in (?2、hot, zhanjiang, is, in, it, today(.)3、hot, zhanjiang, is, in, it, today(?

)4、matter, what, the, is (?5、to, the, i, window, h**e, close(.)6、you, what, doing, are(?

)7、london, about, how(?)8、i, new, wear, shirt, today, can, my(?)9、i, new, wear, shirt, today, can, my(.


) 1、a. hen b. cow c. goat d. fat

) 2、a. rainy b. windy c. cloudy d. hello

) 3、a. blue b. shirt c. dress d. jacket

) 4、a. one c. two d. thirty

) 5、 b. computeroom c. washroom d. board


1、welcome to our ! a. school b. homework c. srudents.

2、what time is it ? it’s . a. 8 b. 8 o’clock c. clock’s 8

3、is that your sweater ? a. no,it’s b. yes,it’s

4、what’s the weather like today ? a. it’s sunny b. go c. close

5、how much is this dress ? a. pretty b. too expensive c. 99yuan


)1、what colour are your pant? (2、how many students are there in your class?

)3、what time is it now4、whose shoes are these?

)5、what’s the weather like in hongkong? (6、can i wear my new t-shirt today?

)7、may i h**e a look8、where is the washroom?

)9、are they your white socks10、is it cold in zhanjiang now?

a、yes, you can. b、no, it’s not. c、it’s on the second floor. d、sure. here you are.

e、they are white. f、it’s cool and cloudy. g、yes, they are. h、it’s ten o’clock.

i、they are my brother’sj、there are fifty-five.


zhang:john! it’s cool now. let’s go and play football.

john:ok! let’s go.

zhang:oh, no! it’s rainy.

john:it’s cold, too.

zhang:i h**e to close the window.

john:we can play computer games at home.

zhang:that’s right. what’s the weather like tomorrow(明天)?

john:it will be sunny.

zhang:good. we can play football tomorrow.

)1、it’s cold and rainy now.

)2、zhang and john can play football now.

)3、zhang has to close the window.

)4、they can watch tv at home.

)5、it will be sunny tomorrow.

九、put the following sentences in order.按正确的顺序排列下列句子。(7分)

)ok, i'll take it.

)how much is it?

)can i help you?

)what size?

)it's ninety yuan.

)size six.

)yes, please. i want a pair of shoes.

十、choose the right answer.在b栏里找出a栏的正确答句,把字母编号写在题前的括号里。

) they monkeys? a. size 6.

) size?b. yes, they are .

) this the library?c. it's cool.

)'s the weather like today? d. it's ten o'clock.

)'s time is it now?e. yes, it is.

十一、choose the right answer.选择正确的答案,将其序号填在题前的括号里。(10分)


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