
发布 2020-09-30 00:42:28 阅读 4533


playground 操场 garden 花园 teacher′s office教师办公室

library图书馆 canteen 食堂 welcome欢迎 our我们的 many很多的 class 班级 please请 art room 绘画教室 computer room计算机教室 washroom卫生间 music room **教室 gym 体育馆 get up起床。

tv room电视机房 lunch 午餐 english class英语课 music class**课 breakfast早餐 dinner晚餐 class 体育课 how many多少

go to school上学 go home回家 go to bed**睡觉 ready准备好sweater毛衣 shorts短裤 hot炎热的 weather 天气 rainy下雨的 windy有风的 cloudy多云的 colourful色彩丰富的 pretty漂亮的 cheap便宜的expensive昂贵的 help帮助 sneakers球鞋 slippers拖鞋 sandals 凉鞋 boots靴子sheep 绵羊 hen母鸡 lamb小羊

goat山羊cow 奶牛 fat 胖的 tomato西红柿 cucumber黄瓜 potato 土豆 onion 洋葱 carrot胡萝卜computer计算机 board 写字板 fan风扇 light 灯 my 我的 that那 your你的 teacher′s desk讲台 picture图画;**wall墙壁 floor 地板 one一 two二 three 三 four四 five五 six六 seven 七 eight八 nine九 ten 十 what什么 time时间 math数学 chinese语文 english 英语 体育 music ** class课程 jacket 夹克衫 shirt 衬衫 skirt裙子 dress 连衣裙 t-shirt t恤衫 red红色的 blue蓝色的 yellow黄色的 green绿色的 white 白色的 colour 颜色 warm暖和的 cold寒冷的 cool凉爽的 today今天 jeans牛仔裤 pants长裤 socks袜子 shoes鞋子 play玩

football足球 snowy下雪的 sunny晴朗的 how much多少钱

big大的 small小的 long长的 short短的 apple苹果

banana香蕉 pear梨 orange 橙子 watermelon西瓜 are是

horse马 cat猫 rabbit 兔子 pig猪 duck鸭子 dog狗 eleven十一twelve十二 thirteen 十三 fifteen十五 twenty二十


rain雨 rainy下雨的

snow雪 snowy 下雪的

wind风 windy有风的

cloud云 cloudy有云的

sun 阳光 sunny 晴朗的。

连词成句。1. is, my, this, computer2. your, is, that, computer (.

3. teacher’s desk, this, is, a (?

4. is, it, time, what5. o’clock, it’s, two (.

6. time, math, for, it’s, class (.

7. this, is, your, t-shirt8. colour, it, is, what (?

9. warm, it’s, today10. play, let’s, football (.

11. much, how, it, is12. yuan, it’s, ten (.

13. they, much, how, are14. three, they, yuan, are (.

15. they, ducks, are16. many, horses, there, are, how (?


1. where is the canteenit’s on the first floor.

2. this is the teacher’s officethat is my classroom.

many students are there in your class? forty-five.

4. do you h**e a libraryyes!

5. the canteen is on the first floor.

6. this is my computerthat is your computer.

7. is this a teacher’s deskyes, it is.\no, it isn’t.

8. is that the art roomyes, it is.\no, it isn’t.

9. what time is itit’s nine o’clock.

10. it’s time for english classbreakfast is ready!

11. school is overlet’s go to the playground.

12. let’s go homei’m ready.

13. it’s 7:05it’s time to go to school.

14. it’s 8:30it’s time for music class.

15. i like the white sweater with the green skirt.

16. i like the blue dress17. where is my skirt?

18. what colour is itblue.

19. is this your skirt? yes, it is./no. it isn’t. my t-shirt is red.

20. is that your t-shirtno, it’s not.

21. whose is itit’s my t-shirt.

22. whose is thisit’s your baby brother’s!

23. what are they? these are your baby pants. they’re so small.

24. are those my shoesyes. but what for?

25. our neighbour has a new baby!

26. this is the weather report. it’s cool in lhasa.

27. can i wear my new shirt today? no, you can’t. /yes, you can.

28. it’s warm todayyou can wear your new shirt.

29. can i wear my t-shirtyes, you can.

30. what are you doingnot much.

31. what’s the weather like in beijingit’s rainy today.

32. how about new yorkit’s sunny.

33. what’s the matter?

34. it’s windy nowi h**e to close the window.

35. look at that dress. it’s colorful. it’s very pretty.

36. can i help youyes.

37. how much is this dressit’s ninety-nine yuan.

38. what sizesize five.

39. are they all rightyes, they are.

40. how much are theythey’re thirty-five yuan.


2011 2012学年度四年级。上学期自治管理方案。为进一步完善班级的管理,提高同学们自我管理意识,发扬当家作主精神,充分发扬班级自治管理作用。从而培养学生 团结 活泼 严谨 求学 的班风,实现在学生中建立自治能力。根据上级和学校的明确指示,本学期,在本班以往的基本上,视学生的具体情况,构建以学生为...


语文试卷总分100分。一 默写 12分 1江上渔者。2乡村四月。3旧书不厌百遍读,4书山有路勤为径,5松下围棋,柳下垂钓,二 选字填空 4分 山 脚角 展扩阔广 扩阔 事起启。三 填词 26分 h li w n h u l xi ng pi o d i w i l i pi o s p l o s ...


2015 2016学年上学期期末教学质量监测。满分 100分,考试时间 90分钟 识字写字 25分 一 读拼音写词语。按田字格的要求把字写端正,匀称。9分 t u d och zj ch z n ti n ch ng chcu w f n n o qi n zh y sh 二 选择带点字的正确读音,...