
发布 2020-09-29 20:10:28 阅读 2528



一。 写出下列字母的左右邻居的大小写。(10分)


ttxx 二、按照正确格式抄写下列句子,注意标点符号。(15分)

1、where's the train ?

2、what are you doing

3、we h**e a big family dinner.

4、she's reading a book.

5、can you jump high, sam?


) 1. a. sheep b.

2. a. left b. rightc. near

3. a. sports day b. take pictures c. listen to music

) 4. a. bread b. sockc. sweets

5. a. run fast b. the long jump c. the high jump








)1、there __a horse in this photo.

a、am b、is c、are

)2where is the park?

--it’s beside the cinema.

a、excuse me. b、sorry c、hello.

)3、__are they doing? they are watching tv.

a、how b、what c、where

)4、look, the children arein the river.

a、swims c、swimming

)5、--thank you so much

a、sorryb、okc、you’re welcome.

)6. amy, can you __fast?

a. running b. runs c. run

)7. we’re going __plane.

a. by b. on c. in

) is going to___her teacher.

a .visits b. visiting c. visit

)9、--can sam jump high?


a、i can b、he can c、she can

)10. i’m the___

a. winer b. win c. winner


)1. can i h**e some sweetsa. yes, he can.

)2. happy halloweenb. sorry, you can’t.

)3. what are you going to do tomorrow? c. he is reading a book.

)4. what is he doingd. happy halloween!

)5. can sam ride am going to visit the zoo.



a、hello. b、goodbye. c、what’s your name?


a、turn right. b、go straight on. c、turn left.


a、can you wash clothes? b、can you jump long?

c、can i h**e some bread?


a、nice to meet you again! b、goodbye. c、thank you!


a、he is going to the high jump.

b、she’s playing with a toy train.

c、i am taking pictures.


very happy b. happy birthday to you you

)7. 当别人祝你生日快乐时。你应该说___

b. of course you very much


on you luck


in please. on!


children’s day. new year. c. thank you.

八。 阅读理解, 判断句子正(t)误(f)。(10分)

tomorrow is a sports day. daming is going to run the 800 metres. sam is going to run the 400 metres.

amy is going to do the long jump. lingling is going to do the high jump. daming and amy are the winners.

)1、tomorrow is a new day.

)2、daming is going to run the 500 metres.

)3、amy is going to do the long jump.

)4、sam is going to do the high jump.

)5、sam and amy are the winners.

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