
发布 2020-09-29 19:54:28 阅读 6257


( 1、a\seven b\ eleven c\ evening( )2\ a\car b\ cap c\ coat( )3\ a cake b milk c lake( )4 a lunch b dinner c winner( )5\ a drink b pink c eat( )6、a、run c. high( )7. )8.

)9. )二、根据要求写单词或短语。

1、win (名词2\ run(现在分词3\wash (第三人称单数4 clothes(复数)--5 ride (现在分词6跳得高(汉译英7、骑得快(汉译英8、吹笛子(汉译英9、chinese(国家名10、see(同音词。


三、从b栏中找出a栏中的答语。a b

)1、what can you do? cannot.( you run fast?

b. no,they cannot.( 3.

can daming jump high? c. yes, we can.

( 4. can amy ride fast ? can make a cake.

( sam and tom jump far? she can.( i h**e some sweets?

you.( birthday ! you can`t.

( i come in ? of course.四、根据要求完成句子。

1、do you want some rice?(肯定回答。

is ****** noodles.(就划线部分提问)is he ?

3. i want some soup.(改为一般疑问句)you some soup?



are going to go to hong kong.(就划线部分提问)are you going to ?

are going to visit the lions.(就划线部分提问)are you going to ?

i h**e some bread ? 否定回答)。

i come in ? 肯定回答)。

lingling play basketball ?(变成陈述句)


hello,i`m sam. i can jump can play is my can run she can`t jump is my friend .he can`t jump high .

but he

can ride is my friend too. she can`t jump far .but she playsbasketball can jump high.

(can run fast . can jump far. (can jump high.

(and lingling are sam`s friends.( 六。读一读,勾一勾。

i come in ? you can. i you run fast ?

you can. i h**e some sweets? you can`t.

i can` you make a cake? can`t. can` sam play football?

birthday! you. do.

halloween! you. halloween.


四年级上册module3 4 知识能力训练。一 根据汉语意思选择正确的单词。1 想要a jump b arm c want 2 男人 复数 a letter b men c his 3 花a fly b sister c flower 4 跳舞a picture b dance c sing 5 喝...


四年级上册英语单词。一个物品十三十四 十五十六十七 十八十九二十。紫色的人,人们粉色的。书写冠军骑,乘 分居住喜爱。道路,街道阅读超市。船划 船小山。车站火车房屋。向上向下图画 为了 给来自接近,临近。信件小的,年幼的米。有趣的物品,东西公园 湖男人 复数喝,饮用 象棋衣服饥饿的。中国的中国一些。需...


unit2 教学目标。1 熟练掌握常用食物的词汇。2 熟练掌握在超市购物时对 的询问。3 熟练掌握canih esome 语言结构及其回答yes,youcan。sorry,you can t。4 熟练掌握用英语描述一家人的日常活动。复习巩固 复习词汇 pear orange banana apple...