pep人教版四年级上册英语期中试卷1 3单元

发布 2020-09-29 19:55:28 阅读 6526



1.ch_ _5. _iwi fr_ _ap_ _e8._ g_pl_nt9. po_ _to10. t_m_to二、让我们来做做算术吧,用英语写出答案。(10分)

三、选择填空。(20分)()1. i’m from___

a. chineseb.

) 2. what’does your father doa postman.

a. he’s() 3. _are you from?

when() 4. what __eleven and four?

a. 5. which class are you in

a. i’m in class one, grade four. b.

i’m in class two, grade six. c. i’m in class one,grade two.

) 6. what’s __number? the time?__

a. i’m i’m number two. eleven o’clock.

) 8. excuse me, what’s this __english?

) 9. do you like watermelons?__

a. yes, i i yes, i h**e.()10. what’s that?it’s __四、根据情景选择正确选项。(20分)

) 1.你想要介绍你的新朋友,你会说:__

a. how are you?b. this is my new friend.

) 2.如果你想询问别人是否喜欢柠檬,你会说:__

a. do you like lemons?b. draw some lemons.

) 3.你想问你的朋友从**来,你应该说。

a. where are you from?b. what class are you in?

) 4.你欢迎朋友到你家,应该说:__

a. let’s go to my welcome to my home.()5.你想询问朋友的爸爸工作时,你会说:__

a. who’s this man?b. what does your father do?()6.当你想询问时间的时候,你会说:__

a. what’s the time?b. what’s two and six?()7.你想说自己在四年二班,你应该说:__

a. i’m in class four, grade i’m in class two, grade four.()8.

当有人问你“do you like pears?”时,你会说:__

i yes, i like.

) 9.当你想读出算式“2+4=?”时,你会说:__

a. what’s your number?b. what’s two and four?()10.当你想问那个用英语怎么说,应问:__

this in english?b. what’s that in english?五、给下列句子排序。(10分)()it’s a carrot.

)what’s this in english.()and i like some cucumbers, too.()do you like carrots?

()yes, i do.


) your number?a. she’s a nurse.

)2. where are you from?b.

i’m in class one,grade two.()3. what’s that in english?

c. nice to meet you,too.()4.

do you like pears?d. it’s 7:

20.()5. who’s this girl?

e. it’s ten.()6.

what’s four and six? my sister.()time is it?

g..yes,i do.()8.

nice to meet a carrot.()9. which class are you in?

i. i’m form canada.()does your mother do?

j. i’m number six.


england,6. who’s,7 i’m,8 nice , girl

a: mum, this is my new___jim.

b: hello, jim. _to see youare you __c:

_fromthe boy?a: _my who’s this __a:

she’s my八、阅读理解。(10分)

sam is a boy. he is my good friend. he is english.

he is10 years old. mr. mike is telephone number is four-zero-four-ten-six-nine-two.

()1. sam is a(n)__

boyb. chinese girlc. english boy() 2. sam is __good friend.

a. hisb. yourc. my() 3. _is his mother.

blackc. rose() 4. sam likes___

a. chinese foodb. dumplingsc.

noodles() 5. his telephone number is __a. 404-3692b.

550-3692c. 505-3962

x k b 1. co m


班级 姓名 四年级上册英语期中测试卷。根据汉语提示,补全单词。10分,每小题2分 1.窗户w3.书包sch nd wlbag 2.计算机c mp4.强壮的str terg5.鞋sh e 按要求填空。10分,每小题2分 汉语 完全形式3.quiet 汉语4.key 复数。5.she 对应词。选出与划线...


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pep人教版四年级上册英语期中检测卷 含答案

人教pep版四年级 上册 英语期中检测卷及答案。听力部分 30分 一 听录音,用a e给下列单词排序。10分 picturetoyquiethaircandy二 听录音,补全下列短语。10分 1.thedoor2.thelight3.thewindow4.thepicture5.theblackbo...