
发布 2020-09-29 01:25:28 阅读 3396



unit 6meet my family





课前预热:family,parents,uncle,aunt,babybrother,sister,father,motherbaseball player,driver,doctor,farmer,nurse.

how many people are there in your family?who are they?

they are my parents and me.

what’s your father?

he’s adoctor.

what’s your mother?教。

she’s ateacher.

学who’s this man?过he’s myuncle.

程is this your father?

yes, he is.

is this your aunt?no, she isn’t.


词汇:familyparentsuncleauntbabybaseball player家庭父母叔叔;舅舅姨,姑婴儿棒球运动员。


1、how many people are there in your family?你家里有多少人?there are three .

有3人。2、who are they ?他们是谁?

they are my parents and me .我的父母和我。3、come and meet family!

来见见我的家庭。my family has seven members.我家有七口人。

4、what’s your father ?你爸爸是干什么的?he’s a driver .

他是一名驾驶员。5、is this your father?这是你的爸爸吗?

yes, he is.(肯定)是的,他是。no, he isn’t.

(否定)不,他不是。6、are they farmers?他们是农民吗?

yes, they are.(肯定)是的,他们是。no, they aren’t.

(否定)不,他们不是。7、who’s this man?这个男人是谁?

he’s my uncle.他是我的叔叔。


1、--your sister?--she is a girl?--she is my name?--his name is is a baseball player. he

5、they aremembers in my family. there are my dad,my mom ; meb、3; mec、3; i

二、从方框中选出合适的句子完成对话。()1、how many pears are thereunder the tree?()2、who are they?

()3、who’s this man?()4、what's your grandma?()5、is this your brother?

三、阅读理解,判断句子的正误,对的写“t”,错的写“f”。look at my family photo. this is my father.

he’s a teacher. he’s tall.

a、my parents and a my he is.

he likes sports. this is my mother. she’s a teacher, too.

she likes is my a baseball player. he’s strong. i love my family.

((1、my parents are teachers.((2、my father likes sports.((3、my mother likes music.

((4、my brother is tall and strong.((5、there are four people in my family.


)1、a:i h**e a look?b: sure. here you mayb. myc. let

)2、a:whatis the notebook?b:it’s manyb. mayc. colour

)3、how many english books do you? b: i h**e hasb. hisc. h**e()4、my schoolbag is.

a. happyb. he**yc.

her()5、a:is the eraser?b:

it’s2 how muchb. howc. how many()6、a:

how manycan you see?b: i can see pensb.

kitec. ruler

)7、a:in it?b:

10 rulers and 8 what’sb. how’sc. where’s()8、a:

is your seat?b: it’s near the window.

a. whob. whatc. where

)9、a、let’s clean the desks and chairs. b、.a.

good morningb. good ideac. it’s so big.

()10、a:where are you from?b:

a. it’s near the that’s all i am from china.()11、a:

what’sname?b: his name is zhang yourb.

myc. his()12、heshort black hair and small h**eb. hasc.

is)13、look! this is his photo. amb.

isc. has()14、a:what’sname?

b: her name is hisb. yourc.


)15、i h**e a friend. hemusic. a.

isb. likesc. like()16、a、is she?

b、she’s whob. whosec. who’s()17、ian apple.

amya h**e, hasb. has, h**ec. has, has()18、imusic.

shemusic, likes, likeb. like, likesc. like, like()19、shethin and quiet.

a. amb. isc.

has()20、a、look at the picture. b、’s we h**e 6 new


1、()a. musicb. sciencec.

sportsd. longhair2、()a. deskb.

chairc. bedd. pen3、()a.

teacherb. classroomc. classmated.

friend4、()a. chineseb. fatc.

talld. thin5、()a. twentyb.

paintingc. thirtyd. fifty





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