
发布 2020-09-28 22:15:28 阅读 4445


班级: 姓名: 得分。


i、听音,排序。( 10分)

ii、听音,圈出你听到的句子中含有的单词。( 5分)

1、a、ten b、teacher2、a、china b、canada

3、a、three b、thirteen 4、a、postman b、grade

5、a、six b、seven

iii、听音,根据所听到的内容为下列句子排序。( 5分)

)i’m glad to see you.

)this is my new friend.

)i’m in class two, grade three.

)what class are you in?

)what’s your name?

iv、听音,判断下列句子与所听句子是(y)否(n)相符。( 5分)

)1、come on, boys.

)2、i’m from america.

)3、this is my new friend, tom.

)4、h**e some fruit.

)5、who’s this boy?

v、听音,选出你所听到的句子。( 5分)

)1、a、what’s your mother? b、what’s your father?

)2、a、he’s a good driver. b、she’s a nice teacher.

)3、a、this is my brother. b、that is her sister.

)4、a、yes, he’s a farmer. b、no, he’s a farmer.

)5、a、they’re from england. b、we’re from america.




nineteen three eight seven twelve four ten


)1、a lea、mo

)2、s xb、pp

)3、p rc、ea

)4、or ged、i

)5、le ne、an


)1、where are youa、for b、to c、from

)2、what’s aunt? a、you b、your c、you are

)3、come , boys. a、on b、at c、to

)4、what isa、he b、his c、him

)5、 is he from? a、what b、where c、how

)6、glad to you. a、me b、meet c、seeing

)7、what class are in? a、i b、my c、you

)8、i’m in . a、class2,grade 5 b、class2,grade 5 c、class2,grade 5

)9、-what’s the time? -seven o’clock. a、is b、it’s c、it

)10、wakea、down b、on c、up

)11、 it? a、whose b、where c、what’s

)12、it’s you. a、four b、for c、from

)13、what’s this english? a、in b、on c、at

)14、-is he smart? -yesa、his not b、he isn’t c、he is

)15、-do you like eggplants? –yesa、i don’t b、i do c、i am



a、where are you from? b、what class are you in?


a、what’ your name? b、i’m d**id.


a、hi! b、bye!


a、no, thanks. b、you are beautiful.


a、your mother is beautiful. b、your mother is cool.


a、what’s your mother? b、is your mother a nurse?


a、good morning, mr. liu. b、good afternoon, mr. liu.


a、this is my father. b、this is my mother.


a、how are you? b、what about you?


a、good morning. b、good evening. c、good night.


a、what’ your name? b、hello! c、my name is lisa.


a、good afternoon. b、goodbye. c、good evening.


a、you are from england. b、where are you from?

)14、alice刚到一个新班级,老师把她介绍给了全班同学,同学们会对她说:a、i’m alice. b、welcome! c、thank you.


a、thank you. b、what’ your name? c、glad to meet you.


a、what’s this in english? b、what’ your name?


a、pardon? b、sure.


a、let’s eat an apple. b、let’s play a game.


a、what do you like. b、do you like orange?


a、thank you. b、are you sure?


a: hi, sam. nice to see you. this is my new , jad.


2017 2018学年第一学期四年级上册英语期中考试试卷。考试时间 40 分钟分值 100 分 认真做好每一道题,再仔细检查,你可以得到更高的分数!加油!祝你取得好成绩!good luck 一 按顺序默写字母小写形式 15分 二 选出不同类的一项。10分 1.a.china b.america 2....

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