
发布 2020-09-21 08:27:28 阅读 7790





b d f p y


d i j q u


)1. a. april b. animal c. june

) 2. a. left b. rightc. near

( )3. a. sports day b. take pictures c. listen to music

)4. a. biscuits b. fruitc. sweets

) 5. a. run fast b. the long jump c. the high jump



1. lots of2. go straight on

3.当然 luck


7. long football



1. we’re going to go to shanghai by

2. sam isengland.

3. there are 5 birthdays in

4. i’m going toa dragon.

5. we’re going tothe ming tombs.


) going toin the sea.

a. swimming

) months in a year.

a. ) are you going to dosports day?

a. atb. for

)4. a: can sam play basketball? b:

a、yes, i can. b、no, she can’t. c、yes, he can.

) father can playflute.

a. )6.当你向别人问路时,第一句话应该怎么说?

a.excuse me. b. how are you? c. what are you doing?

)7.当别人跟你说good luck!时,你回答:

a. thank you. b. goodbye c. excuse me.

) 8.大明想知道sam来自**时,应该怎么说?

a. what are you doing, sam?

b. where are you from, sam?

c. what are you going to do, sam?

) 的妈妈想知道她想吃大米吗,应该怎么说?

a. do you want some rice, lingling?

b. can i h**e some rice, lingling?

c. do you want rices, lingling?

) 10.你为运动场上的运动员加油时,应该说:

a. come on. b. come in. c. come.


) 1. can i h**e some i can.

) 2. where is your schoolb. i’m going to the park.

) 3. how many birthdays are there? c. go straight on, turn left.

) 4. can you do taijiquand. there are thirty-five.

) 5. where are you going, daming? e. sorry, you can’t.

) 6. how are youf. i’m reading a book.

) 7. what are you doingg. i’m fine.


1. fast, you, can, run, (

2. going to, we’re, hainan, go to, (

3. to, what, you, are, do, going, (


this is lingling’s family. mum is ****** a cake. grandma isa book.

her dad isto music. lingling isa bike. her friend, amy isa kite.

sam and daming are playing football. grandpa isa picture.

十、阅读理解,正确的在括号内写(t), 错误的写(f)。(每小题2分,共10分)

we are going to h**e a sports day in our school. lingling can run fast. she is going to run the 100 metres.

sam can ride fast, and he is going to ride a bike. amy can jump high, and she is going to do the high jump. daming can jump far, and he is going to do the long jump.

what am i going to do? i am going to play table tennis. good luck on sports day.

come on!

) 1. i am going to play football for sports day. 新课标第一网。

) 2. daming is going to do the long jump.

) 3. amy can jump far.

) 4. lingling is going to run the 100 metres.

) 5. sam can run fast, and he is going to ride a bike.


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