
发布 2020-09-22 05:50:28 阅读 5178


满分:100 时长:60分钟命题教师:丁晓彤。



一、listen and choose(听录音,选出所听到的单词)10分。

)1. a. yellow b. red c. boy

)2. a. glasses b. tall c. short

)3. a. chinese b. maths c. candy

)4. a. window b. friendly c. light

)5. a. hat b. quiet c. shoe

二、listen and number(听音,标号)10分。

三、listen and choose(听问句,选答句)10分。

) 1. a. i like blueb. it’s blue.

) 2. a. okb. thank you .

) 3. a. yes, he isb. sure, here you are.

) 4. a. her name is lucyb. his name is zhang peng.

) 5. a、it’s on the deskb、it’s so big.


四、read and choose(找出划线部分发音不同的单词)10分。

五、read and choose(选出每组单词中不同类的一项)10分。

) 1. a、window b、blackboard c、black

) 2. a、colour b、chinese book c、maths book

) 3. a、quietb、strongc、candy

) 4. a、 hatb、glassesc、cute

) 5. a、under b、wherec、near

六、read and choose(读一读,选一选)20分。

) 1is it? -it’s red.

a. what b. where c. whatcolour

)2. wea new friend .

a. h**e b. are c. has

)3. turnthe light

a. in b. on c. near

)4. let me clean thedesk

a. teacher b. teachers c. teacher’s

)5. he __two big eyes

a. is b. has c. h**e

)6. -what’sname? -zhang peng.

a. she b. his c. her

)7. letclean the fish bowl.

a. my b. i c. me

)8. who’s yourteacher?

a. chinese b. chinese c. math

)9. we h**e six

a. light b. lights c. a light

)10ismypencil? -it’sonyourbook.

a. what b. where c. who

七、read and choose(情景对话)10分。


a. let’s clean the blackboard. b. let’s clean the classroom.

c. let me clean the classroom.

)2. 小刚找不到他的书包,他问小华,应该用英语这样说:

a. what’s in my school? b. who’s this? c. where’s my schoolbag?


a. she’s my good friend. b. we are good friends. c. he is my good friend.

)4 .你想知道班里新来的男同学的姓名,你问其他同学说:

a. where is my storybook ? b. what’s his name? c. what’s her name?


a. hehasshorthair. b. heh**eshorthair. c. heisshorthair.

八、read and choose(从b 栏中找出a栏的答语,将序号填入括号内)10分。

ab ) 1、where is my picturea、his name is mike.

) 2、what colour is this bagb、it is near the door.

) 3、what’s in the schoolbag? c、thank you.

) 4、what is his named、it is orange.


小学2012 2013学年第一学期四年级英语期中测试卷。班级 姓名 得分。听力部分 30分 i 听音,排序。10分 ii 听音,圈出你听到的句子中含有的单词。5分 1 a ten b teacher2 a china b canada 3 a three b thirteen 4 a postman...


2017 2018学年第一学期四年级上册英语期中考试试卷。考试时间 40 分钟分值 100 分 认真做好每一道题,再仔细检查,你可以得到更高的分数!加油!祝你取得好成绩!good luck 一 按顺序默写字母小写形式 15分 二 选出不同类的一项。10分 1.a.china b.america 2....


2018 2019学年度第一学期期中质量评价。四年级语文。基础知识 20分 1 读拼音,写词语,注意把字写正确,写规范。10分 l n zh o b w f n x c n l n j n y n p o q ch i qi n x nc n y n u l 2 给加点的字选择正确的读音,用 标出。...