
发布 2020-09-25 07:42:28 阅读 2478


1.听音,将下列**号码补充完整。(5分)(1)what's your telephone number?it's 53150

2)what's jim's telephone number?it's 78564

3)what's your mother's telephone number?it's 96407

4)what's gao wei's telephone number?it's 49862

5)what's your teacher's telephone number?it's 32457


)(1) b.seventeen c.seventy( )2) b.name c.member( )3) b.reporter c.driver( )4) b.twelve c.twenty( )5) b.classroom c.grade3.选出你听到的英文句子。(10分)

)(1) are youb.how about you?( 2) upb.stand up.

)(3) are you? b.where are you from?( 4)'m in class three.

b.he is in class three.( 5)'s seventeen. b.it's seven.


1)thr2)f___ve( )3)eit ( 4)__ine( )5)s __x( )6)__wo( )

7)__ne( )8)s___v __n( )5.we __good friends.

a.am b.is c.are

6.—what's the __it's 8: b.time c.day7.ten and ten is __

a.ten b.twenty c.twelve8.—h**e some tea.—_

a.sorry b.no,thank you c.me too9.she is __class b.in c./10.找规律填空。(3分)



12.根据问句选答句,将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分)( 1)what's the time?( 2)what's your number?

( 3)what's your mother?( 4)what's eight and nine?( 5)what class is he in?

a.i'm number five. b.it's 's seven o'clock. d.she's a is in class four,grade five.



a.what class are you in? b.what class is he in?( 2)上学迟到了,见到老师。

应说:__a.i'm coming. b.sorry,i'm late.

( 3)“9+9=?”用英文表达成:__

a.what's eight and eight? b.what's nine and nine?( 4)喝点牛奶吧,应说:__

a.h**e some milk. b.h**e some fruit.( 5)询问几点,应说:__

a.what's the time? b.what's time?

14.用英文介绍自己,至少写出二至三句话,已给出提示单词。(9分)name years old student class grade


解析】5.c【解析】6.b【解析】7.b【解析】8.b【解析】9.b【解析】10.(1)three,nine(2)seven,thirteen(3)four,six【解析】11.(1)what is ten and five?(what is five and ten?)(2)what is the time?

3)what class are you in?(4)she is number five.

5)let's count from one to eight.【解析】12.(1)c(2)a(3)d(4)b(5)e【解析】13.(1)a(2)b(3)b(4)a(5)a【解析】14.



班级姓名。一 短语互译。1.两只芒果2.五只老虎。3.一些香蕉 and fat animals 7.一只熊猫8.四匹马。二 从下列4个选项中,选择一个不同于其它3项的。1.a.catb.cowc.car 2.a.mango b.auntc.pear 3.a.open b.closec.crayon ...

小学英语 四年级英语上册Unit2教案

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