小学英语四年级上册第五单元测试卷 2

发布 2020-09-25 07:41:28 阅读 4064

姓名分数 一、选出每组单词中与其它几个不同类的一项,并将字母标号填入题前括号内。(10分)

)1、a、chicken b、soup c、beef d、fish

)2、a、milk b、juice c、coke d、rice

)3、a、hot dog b、bread c、dinner d、hamburger

)4、a、hungry b、breakfast c、dinner d、lunch

)5、a、apple b、rice c、pear d、banana


1、please, noodles, i, can, h**e, some?

2、like, you, would, what?

3、for, is, dinner, what?

4、rice, soup, like, and, i’d.

5、for, would, you, what, like, dinner?

三、选出相对应的翻译 (14)

ab ) 1.明天见a. can i h**e some bread?

) 2.晚餐准备好了。 b. we h**e a good time.

) 3.我喜欢中国食物。 c. let’s me try.

) 4.请随便吃d. dinner’s ready!

) 5.我能吃点面包吗? e. see you tomorrow!

) 6.我们很开心。 f. please help yourself.

) 7.让我试试看。 g. i like chinese food.


chen jie: can i h**e some fish, please?

winter: sure.

jone: i’d like some noodles and vegetables.

winter: ok.

sarah: i want some rice、beef and soup, please.

winter: sure.


zoom: i’d like somefor breakfast 。

zip: i h**e one

zoom: thank you .do you like some

zip: no, thanks. i want some


)1、—what __you like? —i’d like a cup of tea.

a、does b、do c、would

)2、what do you h**e __breakfast?

a、in b、for c、on

)3、can __help you?

a、i b、me c、my

)4、i’d like___soup.

a、many b、any c、some

)5is it? —five yuan.

a、how many b、how much c、how

( )6、everything___ready!

a、am b、is c、are d、can

( )7、i’d like some rice __hot dog.

a、or b、\ c、but d、and

( )8、today,we___a good time.

a、h**e b、has c、had d、are

( )9、oh,no,you __eat so much.

a、can b、can’t c、are d、h**e

( )10、__a big breakfast!

a、what b、who c、where d、what time


my name is mike, i’m from canada. now it’s time for lunch, i’m very hungry. i’d like some beef, some vegetables and some rice.

after lunch, i’d like a glass of water. what a big lunch! i h**e lunch happily.

1、mike is from canada. (

2、it’s time for dinner. (

3、mike doesn’t like beef and rice. (

4、mike is hungry after lunch. (

5、after lunch, he likes a glass of water. (


1、what would you like for dinner?

2、can i h**e some milk, please?

3、what would you like?

4、what’s your name?


例如: i like some a glass of water ,some bread, some chicken.



1、b 2、d 3、c 4、a 5、b


1、can i h**e some noodles,please?

2、what would you like?

3、what is for dinner?

4、i’d like rice and soup.

5、what would you like for dinner?


1、e 2、d 3、g 4、f 5、a 6、b 7、c


bread egg milk water


1-5 cbacb 6-10 bdaba




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