
发布 2020-09-22 00:32:28 阅读 4516

教学目标。1.掌握并能运用单词“o’clock”及句型“whattimeisit?”“it’s...it’s time to ..

2.认读单词“get up ,go to school,go home,和go to bed."二、能力目标。




what time is it?it’s ..o’ time to ..五、课前准备课件。

2.“o’clock”单纯卡片及“whattimeisit?”“it’s...it’s time to ..等句型卡片。3.挂钟一个。

4.模拟钟一个(可任意调时间)。六教学步骤step1:free talk

t:boys and girls,nice to meet you.

ss:nice to meet you,too.

t:hello?/how do you do ?

/how are you?/what’s your name?/how oldare you ?

/is this your book? what’s this?(学生的笔、橡皮、铅笔盒……)

t:what’s this ?(黑板上方悬挂的时钟)(引出clock)step 2:warming up

带领学生用一只手模仿时针转圈,同时count from 1 to 12)step 3:presentation(1)

the new word :o’clock

1)继而count from 1 o’clock to 12 o’clock.(2)利用“教具钟”认读钟点。

the sentence pattern:what time is it ?t:

i h**e many clocks. do you want to see them ?t:

ok,let’s go!



(课件闪现“特大问号”) time is it?


the sentence pattern:it’s…最后一位学生说“what time is it ?”

t:by which clock do you want to know what time is it ?(老师点击课件并说出时间:

it’s…并教学此句型)step 4:drill

依次显示钟面:00),同时操练t:excuse time is it ?ss:it’s...

2.用滚动的“cai时刻”设置游戏(抢答竞赛)t:what time is it ?ss:it’s…

3.“cai时刻”转为一个显示7:30的“大钟面”t:what time is it?ss:it’s 6 o’clock.

点按,钟面缩小,同时出现情景画面)t:it’s time to get 5:presentation (2)

the sentence pattern:it’s time to…

根据课件图示的动作说句子:it’s time to go to school /watchtv/go home/go to bed)

2.“it’s time to…”句型造句。

step 6:practice (pair work:make dialogues)1.老师就挂钟提问t:what time is it?ss:it’s…

t:oh, time to practice ****** dialogues.2.范例。

课件显示情景画面(5点钟,回家)及小对话。a:what time is it?

b:it’s 5 o’ time to go home.(read the diaogue in the cai)3:act the dialogue(1)自编对话。

t:now please take out your dialogues in pairs(according to the time by your clocks).please ask and answer.


t:now,let’s act dialogues with your partners.

t:who wants to act the dialogue for us ? please come to the front.(3)三人小组对话。



t:now let’s look at the picture(cai)and listen to a dialogue.1.

课文的文字显示与对话 do you want to do ?i want to go home .step8:


把今天所学的内容用于我们的校园生活,看谁用的多、用得好? the song“what time is it?”

t:what time is it ?(看挂钟)oh,it’s time to stop out class,ok?goodbye,boys and li!


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