
发布 2020-09-22 00:29:28 阅读 2186



四六八十___classgrade __


) 1. let’s start counting from five __ten.

ab. toc. in

) 2. h**e someplease.

a. appleb. pearc. fruit

) 3. wakepeter.

a. inb. upc. at

) 4the time ?

a. howb. what’s c. what

) 5. what’s this __english ?

a. fromb. inc. on

) 6. i’mamerica.

a. tob. fromc. of

) 7. this big apple is __you.

a. inb. forc. to

) 8. i like

a. the watermelon b. watermelon c. watermelons

) 9. —what do you like ? i like __

a. tomatoesb. tomatoc. tomatos

) 10. —what’s seven and eight ? it’s __

a. sixteen b. fourteen c. fifteen

) 11. he __a small mouth.

a. isb. h**e c. has

) 12time is it ?

a. how b. what’sc. what

) 13. h**e __apple , please.

a. theb. ac. an

) 14. happy birthday __you !

a. tob. withc. for

) 15. shethirteen books.

a. hasb. isc. h**e

) 16. what’s that __english ?

a. ofb. inc. on


) 1. 你想知道凯特在哪个年级,你该这样问她:

a. which class are you inb. which grade are you in ?

) 2. 你想和同学一起去看望刘老师,你会这样说:

a. can i see itb. this is miss liu. c. let’s go to see miss liu.

) 3. 当别人对你说“nice to meet you”时,你该回答:

a. i’m fineb. glad to meet you.

) 4. 你想知道别人的号码,你会这样说:

a. what’s your numberb. what’s the time ?

) 5. 你想知道peter的身体如何,你应该这样问:

a. how old are youb. how are you ?

) 6. 当你想介绍两个人认识时,你应该说:

a. this is li mei and this is d**idb. she is li mei and he’s d**id.

) 7. 你想知道彼得在哪个班,你该这样问他:

a. what class are you inb. what grade are you in ?

) 8. 你想知道几点了,你会这样说:

a. what’s the timeb. how’s the weather ?

) 9. 当别人对你说“thank you”时,你该这样回答:

a. you are welcomeb. ok !

) 10. 老师让同学们从5数到13,她会这样说:

a. five , six , seven …thirteen , let’s go. b. let’s count from five to thirteen.

) 11. 你想问别人近处的东西是什么时,应该说:

a. what’s thisb. what’s that ?


一) ) 1. what does your uncle doa. i’m from china.

) 2. nice to meet youb. yes , it is.

) 3. where are you fromc. he’s a policeman.

) 4. is this your vestd. i’m ten.

) 5. do you like fruite. she’s my grandmother.

) 6. who’s thatf. nice to meet you , too.

) 7. how old are youg. no , i don’t.

) 8. what’s the timeh. it’s ten.

二) ) 1. where are you froma. he’s a doctor.

) 2. which class are you inb. i’m number five.

) 3. what’s your namec. i’m in class two.

) 4. what does your uncle dod. my name is jim.

) 5. what’s your numbere. i’m from canada.


) 1. a. fifteenb. thirteen c. number

) 2. a. doctor b. farmer c. father

) 3. a. boyb. pencilc. book

) 4. a. classb. gradec. classroom

) 5. a. juiceb. grapesc. water


1. i’m in classgrade

2. —what’s your number ?

—i’m number

3. —what’s your number ?

—i’m number

4. —what’s the time ?


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