
发布 2020-09-16 08:48:28 阅读 7248

《unit 3》导学案 no. 2 编写人审核

unit 3 》导学案编写人no. 2


学习目标: 1. 掌握重点词组。

2. 用过去进行时谈论过去某时发生的事件。

3. 通过教师指导,培养学生良好的阅读习惯并扩展阅读课文,学生能理解课文大意。

学习重点: 学习感叹句的结构及用法

学习难点: 过去进行时态的熟练运用。



1). while i was driving to the airport, the plane起飞) .

2). mr smithfly) a kite with his son at this time yesterday. now heread) a book in his bedroom.

3). when i got out of the shower, my little brotherclean) his room.

4). my motherbuy) me a pair of new shoes.

5).while icut) my hair , father在通**) with his friend.


1 一个非常不寻常的经历。

2 在星期天3 在早晨。

4 正好着陆在我前面。

5 走进一个礼品店6 给警察打**。

7 离开商店8 参观飞行博物馆。

9 在博物馆10 给电台打**。


1. 看图,阅读课文, 把**按正确顺序排列,完成3a, 组内检查。

how cold it is today! 今天多冷啊!⑵how beautiful the flower is!

多么美丽的花啊!⑶how he**ily it is raining ! 雨下得多大啊!


what a cold day it is! ⑵what beautiful flowers they are! ⑶what delicious food it is!


isn’t that amazing ?难道那不令人吃惊吗?


2. pairwork:朗读4对话,小组内两人一组, 交叉对话,对每一个人的活动做问答,展示对话。



1fine the weather is! let’s go for a walk.

a. what a b. what c. how

2surprising news it is!

a. what a b. what c. how

3. (there are many flowers and trees __our classroom.

a. in front b. in front of c. in the front of

4. (nancy is standing __the classroom to sing for us.

a. in front b. in front of c. in the front of

5. (would you like to follow me __english? —sure, i’d love to.

a. learn b. to learn c. learning


studentsplay) basketball on the playground from 3 to 4 yesterday afternoon.

my mothercook)dinner, fatherwatch)tv at this time yesterday.

very amazed at the令人惊异的)news.

wrote a lot about her经历) as a country teacher.

can’t想象)what he did just now.



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