小学英语外研版 三起 六年级下册m7u1教案

发布 2020-08-23 19:02:28 阅读 9599

m7u1 i don't believe it.


2、全体学生能理解本课内容,能明白以下单词的意思,believe\snake\***\together\lucky\bamboo\its\bodycome out of\flute\get\frightened




难点:单词较多,能流利准确地说出句子;能正确使用第三人称单数。教学准备:多**教学过程:一、warming up

to a song: old macdonal has a farm.

s guess(panda,snake)猜完后学生分成panda snake两组,老师在。

黑板上简笔画熊猫和蛇,学生说句子pandas love bamboo. snakes lovethe sun.

s learn something about them.板书课题i dont't believe it。学生齐读。

something about these animals.二、preparation

the video of part 1.

to the tune.

3.指导句子发音do snakes love music? does your dog eat music?

the dialogue with your deskmates. some paris show.三、new

s watch another video together. play the cd. three questions for it ?

2.学生看完动画回答问题。play the cd something about pandas the snakes.

4.教学句型:pandas eat for twelve hours a day.

\they love bamboo.\snakescan use its body to dance. they think the flute is dangerous.

so the snakegets frightened.

5.指导句子发音what is it ?\why does the snakes come out of the box?指导语调及连读。

and repeat the text.

and answer some questions .四、extension

1. game : believe it or not.玩游戏并告知学生一些常识,教育学生应该多看书,多从cd或者网上学习一些知识。

2. there are many animals in the world.放有关动物的**,让学生简单了解。

3、what do you like ? what don't you like?



喜欢的学生站起来一起说we like...不喜欢的一齐说we don't like...

5、whateveru like it orudon't like it,pleaseprotectit,don't hurt it .love the animals.五、summary:

what h**e u learnt today?六、homework

write something about your f**ourite animal.

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