外研版三起六年级小学英语复习 记好了98分没问题

发布 2020-08-23 19:04:28 阅读 3746



china---chinese 中国———中国人(的);汉语。

america---american 美国——美国人(的)

australia——australian 澳大利亚——澳大利亚人(的)

canada---canadian 加拿大---加拿大人(的)

england—english 英语---英语(的)

mexico---mexican 墨西哥———墨西哥人(的)

france---french 法国——法语japan---japanese 日本---日本人(的)

china/prc中国 america/usa美国 uk联合王国england英国 new york纽约。

canada/can加拿大 australia澳大利亚 london伦敦 sydney悉尼

23. 其他名词:city 城市 home 家 room 房间classroom 教室 school 学校 teacher 教师 student/pupil 学生 birthday 生日 homework 作业。

hobby 业余爱好 word 词 card 卡片 question 问题

answer 答案 dollar 美元 festival 节日 game 游戏 name 名字。


2. what’s your name? my name is sam. /i’m sam.

5. how many? it’s ten.

6. how many boys? ten boys.

7. how many girls? eleven girls.

8. stand up/ sit down.

9. point to the door. /window, chair…

10. what’s this? it’s a book.

11. what’s that? it’s a chair.

12. happy birthday. thank you.

13. where’s my present ? it’s in /on/under the hat

14. how old are you? i’m eleven.

15. is it a dog? yes, it is./ no, it isn’t..

16. this is my mother. she’s a teacher.

18. what are they? they are monkeys. are they tall? no, they aren’t.

are they thin? yes, they are.

like football. i don’t like basketball.

20.what’s your f**ourite colour? it’s blue.

likes toy cars. he doesn’t like barbie dolls.

you like noodles? yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

lingling like meat? yes, she does./ no, she doesn’t.

the time , please?it’s four o’clock. it’s half past three.

h**e breakfast at six o’ go home at half past five.

i h**e dinner at half past six.

do you do at the weekend?i play basketball.

does sam do at the weekend?he plays basketball.

do you h**e at school? at school i h**e chinese, maths, english and science.

new year.


33. spring it’s spring. it’s warm in spring. we go cycling in spring.

it’s summer. it’s hot in summer. we go swimming in summer.

35. autumn it’s autumn.

it’s cool in autumn. we play football in autumn.

36. winter it’s winter. it’s cold in winter.

we watch tv and play table tennis in winter.

do you do in spring?

i go cycling in spring.

what do you do in summer?

i go swimming in summer.

what do you do in autumn?

i play football in autumn.

what do you do in winter?

i watch tv and play table tennis in winter.

38. how do you go to school?

i go to school by bus.(或 by train, by car, by bike)

i go to school on foot.

i walk to school.

does your father go to work?

he goes to work by car.

you got a tiger?

yes, i h**e./ no, i h**en’t.

he got a new toy plane?

yes, he has. /no, he hasn’t.

43. what are you doing?

i’m watching tv.

you want some rice?

yes, please./ no, thank you.

are they doing?

they’re rowing a boat.

you jump far?(run fast, jump high, ride fast)

yes, i can./ no, i can’t.

time to go to bed.

going to go to hainan tomorrow.

are you going to do for sports day?

i’m going to run 100 metres.

i h**e an apple?

yes, you can./ sorry, you can’t.

is some fish.(不可数名词)

there are some sweets. (可数名词)

many birthdays are there in january?

there is one. there four. there aren’t any.

is xiaoyong. he’s a clever pupil. he’s very clever.

is a book about london. it’s very nice.

is the capital of england.

the river thames. it’s very long and very wide.

you take a ball?

yes, i will./ no, i won’t.

63.what is amy doing?

she’s reading a letter.

will do everything.

can walk.

will be windy in beijing.

will rain in hanzhou.

taller than lingling.

shorter than daming.

is bigger than tianjin.

think this girl is better than the first girl.

you agree?

boy is worse than that boy.

is the capital of the usa.

speak english in america.

was two then. now i am ten.

was two then. now he’s ten.

weren’t old then. they were very young.

you help your mother on saturday? yes, i did. /no, i didn’t.

amy help her mother? yes, she did. /no, she didn’t.

daming go to school? yes, he did. /no, he didn’t.

did you go? i went to the great wall.

did you do yesterday? i played basketball.

did you see? i saw some big mountains.

got a fever.

was a tree.

were many trees.

wasn’t a chair.

weren’t many flowers.

many bananas do you want? five bananas, please.

much cheese do you want? half a kilo, please.

was sunny, so we could play basketball.

rained yesterday, so se couldn’t play basketball.

this your cap? yes, it’s mine./ no, it isn’t. it’s hers.

book is this? it’s hers.

is too much rubbish.

there aren’t enough sun.

there are too many chickens.

there isn’t enough food.

there are too many children.

there aren’t enough chairs.

can play football well.

you control the ball?

yes, i can. /no, i c

18、特殊疑问句: what(什么), when(何时), who(谁), whose 谁的 , where(**), which(哪个), why(为什么), how (怎样) 相关句型:特殊问句问什么答什么

1) what’s thirty and forty? it’s seventy.

2) when are we going to eat? we are going to eat at half past twelve.

3) who is that woman? she is our english teacher.

4) where are you from? i am from china.

5) why are you crying? because i am sad.

6) how old are you? i’m twelve.

7) how much is it? it’s 50 yuan.

8) how many cars h**e you got? i h**e got 6 cars.

9) how long is the great wall? it’s about six thousands kilometers.

10) how big is beijing? beijing has got about fourteen millions people.


do you …?does he/she …?

yes, i do. /no, i don’t. (yes’ he does. /no, he doesn’t. )

h**e you got …?has he got …?

yes, i h**e. /no, i h**en’t. (yes’ he has. /no, he hasn’t. )

can you …?yes, i can. /no, i can’t.

20、.there be 结构肯定句 there is a …(单数)

there are …(复数)

一般疑问句:is there …?yes, there is./ no, there isn’t.

are there…? yes, there are. /no, there aren’t.

否定句 there isn’t ….there aren’t

21、四种简单时态一般现在时 i play football .

he plays basketball every saturday .

一般将来时 be going to…/…will …句型:

i am going to go to school .

it will be sunny in beijing .

现在进行时 be doing sth i am doing my homework .

一般过去式 i went to school yesterday .

amy watched tv last weekend .

外研版小学英语 三起 词汇总复习

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