
发布 2020-08-23 19:00:28 阅读 2189





热狗。7 .cold8.下雪。

9. thirteen10.下雨。


)1do you want? -i want an apple, please.

a. what b. where c. how

)2is itit's thirteen dollars

a. how many. b. how much. c. how

)3.--here you are

a. thank you c. ok

) 4.--what do you want

a. drink b. to drink c. drinks

)5.--what time is itit's __

a. twelve . b. ok . c. a dog .

)6.--that___a hot dog.

a. is b. are c. am


a. look b. looks c. looking

)8.--a colame.

a. to b. at c. for

)9.--what do youeat?

a. want to b. want c. wants

)10are we going to eat?--at half past twelve.

a. when b. what c. where


a、egg b、 banana c、sunny d、fish e、 vegetable

e、hot d、 ice-cream e、apple f、snow g、windy




a. who can help me? b. what can i do for youc. how are you ?


a. how much is it? b. thank you ! c. enjoy your meal!


want a cola. b. i want a hamburger. c. i want an hamburger.


want some noodles. b. i want juice . c. enjoy your meal!


a. thank you very much. b. thanks. c. you’


1. you, do, what, drink, to, want, (

2. cola, how much, a, is (?

3. want, i, chicken, please, some (

4. what, does, eat, daming, to, want (

5. dollars, cents, twenty-five, and, five is, it (

七、快乐阅读。(t or f)(10)

today is sunday. daming and lingling go to the kfc. daming wants to a hamburger.

lingling wants to a hamburgers, too. and they want to one juice for daming; one cola for lingling. they don’t like hot dog.

it’s very delicious. they are very happy.

)1、today is saturday.

)2、they go to the park.

( )3、lingling want to juice.

)4、they h**e one hamburger.

)5、it isn’t very delicious.

英语第八册module 2测试题。


一、 你能跟据**的意思把下列单词补充完整吗?(10分)

h__t s__ ny r__ n w__ m sn__

二、 请将下列单词选择相对应的**连起来。(10分)

a、 listen to music b 、watch tv c、 ride bike

d、 go to school e、 play football



1. it’s half past seven2. it’s twelve o’clock

3. it’s half past one4. it’s half past eleven.

5. it’s five o’clock6. it’s half past two五、五、请选择出最佳选项。(10分)

) 1、what time is it ?

a、it’s twelve. b、five, plese. c、it’s twelve.

) 2、what are we going to do ?

a we are going to h**e lunch. b we are playing football. c we are going to the park.

) 3、when are we going to eat ?

a we are going to eat apples .b we are going to eat at half past seven. c we are going to eat at home .

) 4、what’s the weather like tomorrow?

a、it’s going to be cold . b、it’s rain. c、it is a sunny day.

) 5、where are yougo tomorrow?

a、go tob、went to c、going to


)1. what’s the weather like? a、it is a duck.

)2. what’s thisb、it’s three o’clock.

)3. what are you going to do? c、yes, it is .


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