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淮阴实验小学六年级英语单元测试卷(6)2009-11-6 lyt



1. 假期以后11. 南京附近的一个小镇___

2. 山中漫步12. 尝点儿橙汁。

3. 去年13. 在野营地。

4. 拔胡萝卜14. 在星期三。

5. 扫地15. 上周末。

6. 弹钢琴16. 洗衣服。

7. 有趣的**17.一棵苹果树。

8. 参观农场18. 挤牛奶。

9. 水果树19. 摘许多橘子。

10. 打扫房间20. 和朋友们看电影。


1. our(单数2. just now(同义。

3. teachers(名词所有格4. are(过去式。

5. do(过去式6. were(原形。

7. no(同音词8. tasted(原形。

9. i’ve(完整形式10. fun(形容词。

11. taste(现在分词12. twelve(序数词词。

13. they(宾格14. cooked(原形。

15. up(反义词16. shouldn’t(完全形式)__

17. catch(第三人称单词18. child(复数。

19. driver(动词20. h**e (过去式。


1. helen oftengo) to school by bike.

2. where __be) you just now? ibe) in the classroom.

3. what __you __do) last friday? weplant) trees on the farm.

4. wemake) a lot of colourful kites last sunday.

and wefly) them in the playground.

7. i’d likemake) a model ship.

8. does she likedance)?

9. the womenclean) the room now .

water on the desk just now .


) 1. what __he __on tuesday?

a. did, did b. do, did c. did, do d. does, did

) 2. helento school early every day.

a. go b. is going c. goes d. went

) 3. i wantthe farm

a. to go to b. to go c. go to d. going

) 4. we __cows and planted trees on the farm.

a. milk b. milks c. are milking d. milked

) 5. i’d likea farm.

a. visiting b. visited c. to visit d. visit

) 6. i __lots of fun last weekends.

a. played b. had c. did d. was

) 7. lin tao and his friends __a lot of oranges on the farm last week.

a. tasted b. watched c. visited d. showed

) 8. the girl __blue is my sister.

a. in b. wear c. put on d. putting on

) 9.-were there any trees in your school? -yes

a. there did b. there was c. there were d. there are

) 10. i went shopping __mum last friday.

a. and b. to c. with d. too

)11. the childrento the music and played table tennis this weekend.

a. listen b. listened c. had d. liked

)12. children’s day is __the first __june.

a. on, in b. in, in c. on, of d. in, on

)13. i was ill at home. liu tao __to see me last weekend.

a. comes b. is coming c. came d. come

)14. ian english song in the school hall last night.

a. song b. sang c. sing d. singing

)15. where___su yang and her mother last weekend?

a. wasb. is c. are d. were


did, last night, what, do, you, (连词成句)

whatyou do last night?

went to the farm last weekend. (对划线部分提问)

youlast weekend?

cooked some food at home yesterday ***否定句)

hefood at home yesterday.

4. i’d like a cup of milk. (对划线部分提问)

you like?

5. we are all happy.***一般过去时)

we __all happy.

6. there were some umbrellas in the classroom .***单数句)

therein the classroom.

7. tom often does morning exercise. ***否定句)

六年级英语单元测试卷 四

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