
发布 2020-08-20 13:36:28 阅读 7908





beijing jilin guangzhou shanghai lhasa haikou

2、听音,判断。 判断下列句子是否与录音内容相符,相符的涂a,不相符的涂b。(10分)

) 1. he is picking up the apples.

) 2. her mother is cleaning the stairs.

) 3. sam wants three colas and one hamburger.

) 4. tomorrow it will snow in harbin.

) rides a bike to school.


a i want some meatb. at half past twelve.

c. it’s thirteen dollars. d. we are playing hide-and seek.

e. sorry ,i can’tf. she’s at the supermarket.


) 1. five yuanb. they are six dollars.

) 2. a. he is cleaning the floor. b. he is at school.

) 3. a. yes, they areb. yes, i will.

) 4. a. we are going to h**e a picnic. b. i am walking in the park.

) 5. a. two colas, pleaseb. it’s $ 4.50.



)1. a. shine b. sing2. a. chair b. stairs

) 3. a. play b. stay4. a. thousand b. cloud

) 5. b. cashier


) 10is the bag, please? -it’s $ 6.75.

a. how manyb. how muchc. how old

) 11. we are going to go to schoolseven.

a. atb. inc. on

) 12. can hethis bag?

a. carriedb. carryc. carries

) 13. -what do you want?

a. i am going to swim. b. i want a hot dog, please.

c. i am swimming.

) birds are singingthe tree

a. inb. onc. from

) 15. -my news***** is flying away. who can help me?

a. no, it isn’tb. yes, i canc. sorry, i can’t.


waitress: hello. can i help you?

tom:1h**e you got a hot dog?

waitress: 2

tom: good. a hot dog, please.

waitress: what do you want to drink?

tom: 3how much is it?.

waitress: 4

tom: here you are.

waitress: 5enjoy your meal!


1 can i __you ?

2 how __is the cola?

3 what do you __to eat?

4 ityou are going to stay hungry.

5 the birds are __away.

6 the sun is

7 the apples are falling __the stairs.

8 we are __a lovely time.

9 he is playing the suona for the third


x|today is my brother’s birthday . we are going to h**e a birthday party for him . now i am in a supermarket with my mum .

we buy apples , oranges , sweets and some balloons . my mum also buys him a beautiful present . we buy too many things and we can’t carry everything .

later , my brother comes and helps us .


1. (today isn’t my birthday .

2. (we are going to h**e a party for my birthday .

3. (i buy him a beautiful present.

4. (my mum buys him a cake .

5. (we can’t carry everything.



my sunday


1 ( 当你处于麻烦之中,你想寻求帮助,你会对别人说:

a can i help you ? b who can help me?


a no,i can’t. b sorry,i can’t.


a here you are. b yes,please.

4 ( 当你想知道汉堡的**时,你应该问:

a how much is the hamburger?

b how much is a hot dog?


a enjoy your meal. b enjoy your trip.


will be windy in jilin.

will rain in guangzhou.

will snow in shanghai.

will be cold in lhasa.


writing part笔试部分。一 thinkandwrite.打开记忆闸门。按要求写出下列单词 5分 1 news 英译汉2 left 反义词3 twelfth 基数词4 walk 同义词5 get off 反义词。二 read and choose 选择正确答案。20分 1 i am goin...


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