外研英语 三起 六年级下期末复习专项复习题

发布 2020-08-23 08:02:28 阅读 4503




例: a. all of them are dancing happily. b. i bought five pears.

c. this girl is deaf. she can’t hear. d. we visited lots of places.

e. there are nineteen crayons.

happily hear pear 4. coffee crayon 5. rice places

it’s raining now. b. don’t walk on the grass. c. the farmers work in the fields.

d. she saw a man in the zoo. e. there are some chairs in the classroom.

parkdrawair __traintalk __

2. a. it’s warm today. b. class begins. c. mr. li was his teacher.

d. i had bread for lunch. e. she can’t hear.

ear __quarter___tea __head __pass __

3. a. let me see. b. there are three bears. c. where are you going?

d. don’ t lie on the grass. e. it’s big and light.

their __tie __teacher __pear __night __

4. a. the girl is dancing. b. her coat is old. c. that’s my toy!

d. let’s go to school . e. these books are about english.

shirtafternoon __boy __boat __coat __

5. a. look at my bag. b. she couldn’t read or write. c. she’s running now.

d. today is saturday. e. he’s our chinese teacher.

how __dayteacher __book __more___

6. a. this black bag is nice. b. i don’t know. c. i like english.

d. thank you very much. e. who are they?

mouth __she __whose __thatshow __


) b. tea c. cashier b. drive c. nurse

) fen b. dollar c. cent4. a. duck b. cloud c. sun

) dry b. cry c. try6. a. like b. bike c. make

) my b. his c. taught b. wrote c. hard __

) stay b. play c. everyone b. people c. one

) b. now c. ago12. a. ball b. football c. baseball __

) three b. third c. first14. a. food b. breakfast c. dinner___

)15. a. loudly b. early c. nothing b. everything c. thing___

)17. a. got b. g**e c. october b. june c. monday___

)19. a. word b. letter c. herself b. myself c. he

) excited b. tired c. geography b. chemistry c. china___


原形) _对应词)__反义词)__

4. h**e(-ing形式) _过去式) _us (缩略形式) _

单三形式) _动词) _原形。

复数复数12. worker(动词) _

名词反义词) _反义词) _

16. big(反义词) _过去式) _18. study(过去式) _

19. cola(复数) _复数) _过去式) _

原形复数24. library(复数) _

原形原形) _复数) _

过去式) _复数) _30. dictionary(复数。

单三) _复数) _原形) _

同音词 (单三序数词) _

37. stairs(原形) _缩略词) _翻译) _

原形) _过去式原形) _

43. enjoy(单三) _原形) _原形。

过去式)__过去式原形) _

原形) _过去式) _同类词) _


is some eggs on the table. _改为___

got an email for beijing. _改为___

going to park middle school改为___

write a letter to tom. _改为___

sent a email to her father. _改为___

couldn’t saw. _改为___

7. i h**e a idea. _改为。

is born in beijing改为___

four dollars and five cent. _改为___

me take they. _改为___

are some milk in the room. _改为___

12. a old man came here yesterday.__改为___

are you go to beijing? _改为___

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