2023年遵义县小学六年级英语测试卷 1

发布 2020-08-22 15:22:28 阅读 9683


一、 字母书写。(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)


1. ac2. eg

3. rt4. oq

5. xzb、在四线三格中写上下列字母的[, 形式。

6. b7z

8. f9w

10. s



) 1.a.carrot b.cucumber c.cake

) 2.a.crayon b.library c.eraser

) 3.a.tomato b.tomorrow c.potato

) 4.a.honey b.hen c.horse

) 5.a.tofu b.toy c.pork


)6.i like peaches.

a. b. c.

)7.touch your nose.

a. b. c.

)8.it’s an onion.

a. bc.

)9.this is a board.

a. b. c.

)10. i can plant trees in spring.

a. b. c.


) 1.--what's he like?

a he likes math b he is thin c he is my english teacher.

) 2.--where___you from?

a are b is c am

) 3.--how old are you?

a.my name is mike.

b.fine. thank you.

c. i am ten.

) 4.--how much are the pants?

a it’s 50 yuan. b they’re 67 yuan. c it’s pink.

) 5.--is my chair?

--it’s near the door.

a. where b. what c. when

) 6.--what colour is it?


a. green b. fat c. he**y

) 7. -is she ?

--she is sarah.

a. who b. what c. how

) 8.— look __the pig.

it’s fat.

) 9.— h**e some orange juice!

a. sure. here you are. b. you’re welcome. c. thank you.

) 10.—zip. happy new year!

a. happy birthday! b. thank you. happy new year!

c. i’m happy!


一)tom is my good friend. he is fourteen years old. he is from america.

tom likes grapes and peaches, and he likes bread, too. i am thirteen. i’m from like cakes and pears.

we are in the same(相同的) class.


) is from beijing.

) like peaches

) is 13.

) and i are in the same class.

) likes bread.

二)hi, i’m tom. i get up at six forty in the morning. it’s seven o’clock.

it’s time for breakfast. my school is near our home, so i go to school at seven forty-five. i h**e lunch at 12:

10. after lunch i play with my friends. it’s four o’clock.

it’s time for p. e. class.

we jump and run. i am happy all day.


) name is amy

)7. tom has breakfast at 7:00.

)8. tom goes to school at7:40.

)9. tom has lunch at 12:00.

)10. tom is happy all day.


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