2019第二学期六年级英语月考卷 三

发布 2020-08-22 15:21:28 阅读 9332




did mike go last sunday.

2. i am angry. he says……

book,s name is 《snow white》.

hotel is a famous hotel!

mr. huang your english teacher ?


) 1. a. manyb. anyc. cat

) 2. a. windowb. showc. how

) 3. a. mouthb. countryc. house

) 4. a. tripb. yesc. gym

) 5. a pearb. hairc. near

) 6. a. longerb. biggerc. her

) 7. a. inb. thinc. pink

) 8. a. footb. bookc. school

) 9. a. whiteb. picturec. water

)10. a. fromb. homec. some



比较级) not(缩写词)

过去式) 宾格)

动词原形) 比较级)

复数) 第三人称单数形式)

现在分词) (名词)




形容词 like(完全形式)__



1. 更高更瘦6. three months ago

2. 打羽毛球 7. next monday

3. 去野营 8. ride a horse

4. 查阅 9. talk quietly

5. 深呼吸 day after tomorrow


yang ling_1玩的开心)last weekend. she went to nancy’s home on sunday morning. they_2做作业) the afternoon, they went to a bookstore and bought some picture sunday morning, yang ling_3打扫她的房间)and_4洗衣服).

in the afternoon, she_5听**)at home.


) pair of shoesred.

a. isb. arec. am

)2. she is 158 cm.

a. tallerb. tallc. tallest

)3. there is “n” in “man”.

a. ab. thec. an

)4. i want to go .

a. cycleingb. cycling c. cycle

)5. your hands are bigger than .

a. sheb. hers c. her

)6. there sheep in the picture?

a. is; anyb. are; some c. are; any

) go to schoolmonday to friday.

a. fromb. forc. on

)8. mike is good at___

a. runsb. ranc. running

( )9. my brother couldn’t play footballplay basketball well.

a. withb. andc. or

)10. i two hours __do my homework last night.

a. take ; in b. took; in c. took; to


1. look! my brothersings,singing,is singing) in the park.

2. tony and jennymake,makes,******) a cake every day.

___is,was,are) clean before, but it __is,was,are) dirty now.

doing, does) your homework now.

boys like __fly,flies,flying) kites very much.

the___big, bigger,biggest) apple on the tree.

are___much, many,more) buildings in the city than before.

about___collect,collecting,collects) stamps?

are playing___happy, happier,happily) in the park.

10th is___teachers,teacher’s,teachers’) day.


1. zhang peng is shorter than john. (写出同义句)

john is zhang peng?

2. playbasketball in thestreet, please. (改为否定句)

basketball in the street, please.

3. there is a book on the desk. (就划线部分提问)

books are there on the desk?

4. shefeels sick. (就划线部分提问)

she5. he watched tv yesterday evening . 用every day划线部分提问)

he tv every day.


a: who did you go with ? b:did you visit the great wall ?

c: where did you go ? d:where are you going next winter holiday?

e: we went there by plane. f:what was the weather like there ?

jane: come and look at my photos from the winter holiday.

dale:wow,they are so beautiful.1

jane: i went to beijing. i made a very cute.


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