2023年第二学期六年级英语 4

发布 2020-07-25 15:44:28 阅读 2351

2015 学年第二学期学生学习水平单元评价。


时间:50分钟)( module 1——module 6 )




1. he made it. he was again!

2. can you see the bottle? there is nothing in it now.

3. charlie chaplin was a funny . he made many funny movies.

4. i like the nature of south america.

5. some animals are in danger. they willsoon.




) 1. mr. li was a driver.

) 2. mrs. li worked in a big company.

) 3. mr. li didn’t do anything at home..

) 4. mr. and mrs. li went to canada together.

) 5. there were some maple tree le**es in the gifts.



) 1you want to tr**el abroad, you can go to italy.

( )2. when people talk loudly in the library, you should say

) 3. wherehe go last winter holiday?

) 4. be patient and waityour turn.

) 5. it’sto laugh at other people.

) 6. mao zedongin 1976.

) 7. my father g**e meipod yesterday.

) 8. i’m reading a bookma yun.

) 9. wea music lesson last friday.

) 10. don’tthe rabbit your apples.


1. the boy is tto cthe he**y box.

2. my aunt cher fyesterday.

3. pandas like to ebvery much.

4. the girl is gher sto an old man.


1. what did you do yesterday

2. are there many animals in danger now

3. where was dr sun yatsun born

4. do you like playing the i-pad

5. who do you want to tr**el with

6. what are you going to do in the summer holiday


ayou like animals

b: yes, i do. i oftenbooks about animals.

a: reallyyour f**ourite animal?

b: the monkey.

a: what do monkeys

b: bananasabout you?

a: i like tigers

bare some white tigers in our zoo.

a: yesyou like to see them with me?

b: sure. let’sat the gate of the zoo at half __nine tomorrow morning.

十。二、阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,如符合,在括号里写“t”,否则写“f”。 10分)

一)one day a wolf saw a hare running in a forest. he wanted to catch him. but the hare went into a hole.

so the wolf thought out a good idea to let the hare come out. the wolf shouted(喊), the wolf is dead! the wolf is dead!

” the he pretended(假装)he was dead. the hare heard and thought: “ah?

is the wolf dead?” so he shouted, “i’ve heard the wolf’s mouth is open when he’s dead.” when the wolf heard of this he opened his mouth quickly.

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