
发布 2020-08-05 09:11:28 阅读 9623




i. 听录音,从选项中找出缺的单词:

) 1is bill going?

a. when b. what c. where

) 2should bill take?

a. when b. what c. where

) 3. what does your __do?

a. father b. mother c. teacher

) 4. howpupils are there in her class?

a. many b. much c. lot

) 5. what are they

a. dob. does c. doing

ii.听对话, 补出对话中所缺的部分。将字母填在括号内。

) 1. –what does bill’s mother do? –she is a

a. teacher b. doctor c. artist

) 2. –what is he like? –he is

a. my cousin. b. kindc. 10

) 3. –where does bill go? –he goes go to __

a. schoolb. the classroom c. beijing

) 4. –do you like sportsi do.

a. yesb. noc. /

) 5. –what is the weather like in beijing in winter? –it is __

a. hotb. coldc. cloudy


i. 判断下列单词与图是(t)否(f)相符。

)1. music

) 2. classroom

) 5. library

ii. 词图搭配,请将每个单词前面的字母,填到适当**下的括号内。

a. glasses b. basketball c. book d. football e. bus



)1. what does your father do?

a. 你爸爸是做什么工作的? b. 你爸爸是医生吗?

( )2. she is very pretty.

a. 好非常友好b. 好非常漂亮。

( )3. he is an artist.

a. 他是一位艺术家。 b. 他是一种艺术。

) 4. he is good at dancing.

a. 她擅长跳舞b. 他擅长跳舞。

) eyes are blue.

a. 他的眼睛是蓝色的。 b. 他的眼睛是黑色的。

ii. 汉英搭配。请将汉语前的字母填在适当的括号内。

) 1. some people like vegetables. a. 你最喜欢的食物是什么?

) 2. it is very healthyb. 你的三明治好了。

) 3. do you know how to make it? c. 它很健康。

) 4. your sandwich is readyd. 一些人喜欢蔬菜。

) 5. what is your f**orite food? e. 你知道如何制作它吗?



today is my first day in my new school in canada. ted showed me around our new school. it is small but beautiful.

i like it very much. our classroom is on the third floor. i met my new teacher, miss black.

she is young and pretty.

she has curly black hair. she is very kind.

) 1. mr. black is my teacher.

) 2. my new teacher is small.

) 3. my classroom is on the first floor.

) 4. i like my new school very much.

) 5. miss black is pretty and kind.

ii. 根据**内容,判断句子正(t)误(f)。

) 1. bill has english on tuesday and thursday.

) 2. bill has music on tuesday.

) 3. bill has pe on monday.

) 4. bill has maths on wednesday.

) 5. bill has one class on wednesday.



例:(bill, canada)

where is bill going? -he is going to canada.

1. (tina, toronto)

2. (tony, paris)

3. (ted, sydney)

4. (jenny, hangzhou)

5. (sherry, beijing)


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