
发布 2020-08-05 09:38:28 阅读 3273



1. 本试题分第ⅰ卷和第ⅱ卷两部分。第ⅰ卷为选择题,45分;第ii卷为非选择题,35分,总分80分。

2. 答卷前务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、考号清楚地填写在试卷密封线内。

3. 每题选出答案后,都必须用钢笔或圆珠笔填写在答题纸上。

4. 考试结束时,考生只交答题卡。






6. a. looksb. likesc. lots

7. a. loudlyb. reallyc. hungry

8. a. flyingb. cryingc. playing

9. a. missb. messc. met

10. a. cowb. duckc. rabbit


11. a. it’s half past six. b. it’s saturdayc. it will be hot.

12. a. i’m singingb. i played chess with my friend

c. i am going to h**e a picnic.

13. a. no, it doesn’tb. yes, it isc. no, i h**en’t.

14. a. it’s fifteen dollarsb. thank youc. i want some fish.

15. a. yes, i amb. no, i won’tc. yes, i did.


16. where is jenny’s brother?

a. he is at homeb. he is in the mountains. c. he is in the park.

17. when is kate going to swim?

a. at half past fourb. at fourc. at half past five.

18. can jack carry the box?

a. yes, he canb. no, she can’tc. yes, he is.

19. what is mike doing now?

a. he is doing exerciseb. he is going to clean the classroom.

c. he is cleaning his room.

20. what does linda want to eat?

a. she wants a sandwich. b. she wants a hot dog. c. he wants some juice.


21. amy is going to h**e a birthday party.

22. her mother is ****** delicious food for her.

23. john is buying a card for her.

24. lily is buying balloons.

25. amy isn’t very happy.



26. this girl is deaf. she can’t

a. seeb. hearc. walk

27. the kitehigh in the sky now, it looks like a big bird.

a. is flyingb. was flyingc. flew

28. she is too young. so she can’t carryall.

a. heb. themc. bag

29was helen keller born?

she was born in the us in1880.

a. whereb. whenc. where and when

30. he usuallyfishing on sundays. but last sunday hemountains.

a. go; climbb. goes; climbs c. goes; climbed

31.—yesterday, i visited my grandma.

—i bought some applesmy grandma.

a. inb. forc. on

32. in june, 2012, liuyanginto space in shenzhou ix.

a. flyb. flyingc. flew

33. in our english class, we often makes mistakesenglish words.

a. inb. onc. with

34. yesterday, i went shopping with my friends but i bought

a. nothingb. everythingc. something

35. —best wishes for the future.

a. neverb. thank youc. i’ll miss you.



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