
发布 2020-07-21 21:39:28 阅读 5931






5、h**e a sports meeting(英译汉。


1、 a too b school c look

2、 a grow b snow c how

3、 a when b who c what

4、 a photo b elephant c whose

5、 a foot b room c good


bo_l of noodles d. w.




3、send a message4、take up

5、go on the internet


1. (工作努力的 on the internet

2. (举办一场运动会b. hard-working

3.( 篮球运动员c. h**e a sports meeting

4.( 一碗面条d. basketball player

5. (上网 bowl of noodles

6.( is that kittyf.

7.( anything elseg. i took part in the high jump.

8.( what do you think of her? h. he is a teacher.

9.( what sport did you take part in? i. this is kitty speaking.

10.( what does he is a little serious.


1what do you think __her? -she is a little serious.

2. (would you like something __drink?

a. to b. wish c. for d .and

3.( can you send a message __me?

4.( who’s that man? -the thin man __glasses.

5the age of nine, he lost his arms.

b. in d. to

6.( he always __to make math easy ot understand.

7.( did you __the long jump? -yes, i did.

8.( what is kitty like? -kitty is friendly __us.

9.( by the way, _are they? -they are thirty-four yuan.

many much

10.( what __he like? -he is kind to us.


七.选择正确的句子。(每题2分,共 10分)

1.( 你想要喝点什么,该用英语怎么说?

you like something to drink? you like something to eat?

would you like?

2.( 当你问别人你参加的是什么比赛时,该用英语怎么说?

a. what sport did you __part in? b. what sport do you like?

‘s you f**ourite sport?

3.( 我的弟弟是一名小学生,该怎么说?

a. my brother is a student. b. my brother is a boy.

brother is a pupil.

4.( 我将用手机学英语,该怎么说?

will use it to paly games. will use mobile phone to learn english.

c. i will use it to make a phone call.

5.( 当你问他是个怎么样的人时该怎么说?

is he like? is she like?

about he?

八.排列句子。(每道题2分,共 10分)

did take part what you in?

my is subject math.

3. does what he do?

up hope a school she

5. you did win?

九.选词填空。(每道题2分,共 10分)

b. useful c. bottles

are two___of orange juice on the table.

would you like to __

wants to be a football___

think the mobile phone is very___

math teacher is very___

十.读短文判断对错。(每道题2分,共 10分)

jone is a good and out-going girl. she studies very hard. she usually gets up very early and always go to school on time.

she always does her homework before watching tv. her f**ourite food is chocolate. she likes vegetables very much.

she also eats a lot of meat and fruits every day. on sundays, she likes going to the zoo and doing sports. she is happy every day.


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