
发布 2020-07-23 10:10:28 阅读 4851



一、读一读,画线字母的发音一致的打√ ,不一致的打×。 每个2分,共10分)

1. team beat ( 2. big bike ( 3. cat car (

4. bus fruit ( 5. very get (


a. how do you go to beijinga. yes, i’m going to pingyao.

b. what are you going tob. tomorrow.

do this afternoon?

c. where is the cinemac. by plane.

d. when are you goingd. it’s next to the hospital.

e. are you going to take a trip? e. i’m going to play football.


)1. how you go to the park?

a. areb. doesc. do

)2. if the traffic light is yellow, we must

a. gob. wait c. stop

)3. we often go to schoolfoot.

a. byb. onc. in

) at the __

a. yellow light b. green light c. red light

) 5. is there a hospital near your home

a. yes, there isn’ yes, there there is

) 6. if you meat red light, you must___

a. turn right! b. don't turn right!c. wait!

) you want to buy some books,you can go to the__

a. book store b. shoe store c. post office

) 8. excuse me, where is the library? it’s __the cinema.

a. next b. next toc. at

) 9. –nice to meet you

a. nice to meet you, how are

) 10.你想知道电影院在哪儿时,可以问。

a. excuse me. where is the cinema, please?

b. excuse me. where is the school, please?

c. excuse me. where is the post office, please?


) 1. i go to beijing by plane.

a. bus b. ship c. car d. orange

) 2. where is the hospital?

a. cinema b. monday c. bookstore d. post office

) 3. what are you going to do this afternoon?

a. take a trip b. this evening c. tomorrow d. tonight

) 4. i’ m going to buy a comic book.

a. magazine b. subway c. news***** d. dictionary

) 5. i’d like some beef for lunch.

a. zoo b. breakfast c. supper d. dinner


1. i’m going to shanghai by飞机).

2如何) do you go to the park?

3. i’m going to buy a comic book this早上).

4. go straight, then turn左边).

5. what are you going to do下周).


a. how b. where c. this afternoon d. usually e. bus

mike: hi, lisa, what are you going to do

lisa: i’m going to a park.

mikeis the park?

lisa: it’s next to the hospital.

mikedo you go to the park?

lisai go there by

mike: i want to go with you.

lisa: ok!

七、读短文,回答问题,可以用一到两个单词来回答,注意首字母和标点。 每个2分,共10分。

hi! i am john. tomorrow is saturday.

i’m going to a bookstore, i want to buy a chinese dictionary. the bookstore is next to a park, it’s far from here. i’m going to there by bus.

the bookstore is a white building, it’s very beautiful. after buying the dictionary, i’m going to the park. i like the park.

i will h**e fun there.

1. what day is it today?

2. where does john go?

3. is the bookstore far from here?

4. what does john want to buy?

5. what colour is the bookstore?


12岁 student buy

my weekend


2016 2017学年度第二学期期中质量检测六年级。英语试题。温馨提示 1.本试题分第 卷和第 卷两部分。第 卷为选择题,45分 第ii卷为非选择题,35分,总分80分。2.答卷前务必将自己的学校 班级 姓名 考号清楚地填写在试卷密封线内。3.每题选出答案后,都必须用钢笔或圆珠笔填写在答题纸上。4....


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