
发布 2020-08-05 09:16:28 阅读 9939





) slowb. shallc. show

) jobb. jogc. jump

) litterb. letterc. little

) alongb.

( )5. a. some of the boys b. all the boysc. the other boys

b、听录音,用数字给下列**标上序号。(听两遍) (计5分)

c. 根据你所听到的问句,选择正确的答句。(听三遍)(计10分)

)1. a. yours are. b. yours isc. your is.

)2. a. it’s right b. all right all right.

)3. a. yes, he does. b. yes, she does. c. yes, they do.

)4. a. let’s go. b. by carc. get on the car.

)5. a. my father is. b. my father’s. c. my mother does.

d. 听录音,判断下列各句是否与短文内容相符,对的写t,错的写f。(听三遍)(计10分)

) smith lives in shanghai street.

) wanted to go to the history museum by car.

)3. no.5 bus stop is in front of the cinema.

) smith wanted to go to the cinema, too.

) smith doesn’t know how to get to the post office.



1. walk __沿着)the street, and you’ll find the shop on your left.

2. whose school bag ishe**y) ,yours or jim’s?

3. su hai dances asgood) as nancy.

4. i __meet) mr smith yesterday.

5. my father isfat) than my mother .

二、单项选择 (计15分)

从a、b、c 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,将其序号填入题前的括号内。

) 1. i’m 120cm tall, jim is 102 cm tall .so jim is___than me.

a. tallerb. youngerc. shorter

) 2. it’s eight o’clock. mr wang __tv in the bedroom.

a. is watching b. watchedc. watches

) 3. -do you h**e any brothers __sisters, jackno, i don’t.

a. andb. butc. or

) 4is your home from our school?

it’s about two kilometers away.

a. how long b. how manyc. how far

) 5. look! the bus is coming. let’s __the bus.

a. get offb. get onc. get in

) 6can i get to the nonggongshang supermaket?

a. whereb. howc. when

) hair is longer, yours or___

a. meb . myc. mine

) woman __red is my grandmother.

a . withb . inc .of

)9.__your friend come from the uk?

a. doesb. arec. is

)10.--thank you very much.

- you are___

a. welcomeb. okc. all right

) can __bus no.9 here and __at the sixth stop.

a . take, get off b. by, get off c. get on, get off

)12. jim gets upthan

a. earlier, meb. earlier, ic. early, me

) post office is __yanhe road.

a. onb. inc. at

)14. how far is it __

a. awayb. from herec. from to

) can ithe shuanghu park?.

a got tob getc get to


1、my mother ismy father.

2stops are there?

3、liu tao runsgao shan.

4is it from here?

5the museum is 5 kilometres away.


iii )1. where’s jim froma. my brother is.

)2. is helen as thin as youb. it’s over there.

)3. where’s dongxia primary school? c. yes, she is.

)4. how old is your brotherd. he’s from london.

)5. who’s taller than youe. he is twenty.

五。 将下列句子重新排列,将序号填在横线上。(每空1分,计10分)

1. a. can you tell me the way to the cinema ,please?

b. yes. go along this street and you’ll find no.1 bus stop on your right.


邢台市第二十七中学2016 2017学年第二学期期中考试。六年级英语。班级分数。第一部分 听力考查。i.听录音,从选项中找出缺的单词 1is bill going?a.when b.what c.where 2should bill take?a.when b.what c.where 3.what...


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